I'll Burn Your Name Into My Throat, I'll Be The Fire That'll Catch You

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Mike's p.o.v

We reach the house and get out. I look over at Tony. Wait, why the hell did I reject him? I can't think of the reason and I feel like a total douchebag. We all enter the house and I lead Tony upstairs to my room. He sits on my bed and stares at my Nirvana posters. "Hey, Tone. I know why you were invited and there's no need to help me. I'm sorry for rejecting you, I don't even remember the reason.. I just said no. And I'm really really sorry." I say now looking up at my ceiling. At first I don't hear anything but then he sighs.

  "It's okay, Mike. I get that it was Vic but I still don't get why it was my fault." He says. "Neither do I." I mumble but he hears it. "It's really okay, Mike. I... I no longer like you." He says and my heart sinks. Fuck! Mike, you douchebag! He doesn't fucking like you anymore! Nice going, "hotshot". I mentally scold myself. There's no reason for you to live anymore, Mike. A voice in the back of my head says. "Shut up!" I yell aloud. Tony's eyes instantly widen. "W-what?" He stutters. "Not you." I say. "I-i was gonna say that I don't like you anymore-" "I get it!" I yell slightly scaring him. "No, Mike, you don't get it! I was gonna say I don't like you anymore because I love you!" He yells instantly looking like he regrets it.

  "Y-you what?" I ask, I just need confirmation, it could just be the voices in my head. "I said ' I don't like you anymore because I love you.'" He says calmly. I stare at him in shock. "R-really?" I stutter and he nods getting up from his spot on my bed and walking over to me, hugging me tightly. I tilt my head so I'm looking up at him and he closes the few inches we had by locking his lips with mine. It's not rough, it's... passionate, and I like it.

"Hey, Mike-" We pull apart as soon as we hear Vic's voice. Tony looks away blushing and I stare at the ground, probably as red as a tomato. "Aww, Mijo." Our mama (coming out of nowhere) coos. "Mama..." I complain looking up. Vic's smirking and Jaime is behind him smiling like an idiot. "Haha, sorry guys." Vic says chuckling.

  "Mijo, introduce me." Mama says and I sigh. "Tony, this is mama Fuentes, Vivian. Mama, this is Tony." I say looking at Tony smiling lightly. "The love of my life." I say staring into his beautiful brown orbs. Tony's face gets redder, if that's even possible, and makes a goofy grin. "Asi." Mama says before walking away.

  When I look back over to my brother, he's making his way to the floor in front of us with Jaime beside him. "Yes?" I ask him once they sit down. "So, who made the first move?" He asks sounding like a teenage school girl (he may look like one but he's not). "Uh, if you want to be technical then it was Tony. He moved in the first place and then kissed me." I say smiling. "Uh, you're missing the part where you tilt your head up awaiting for me to kiss you." Tony says smirking. "Yea, cuz I knew you wouldn't be able to resist with them right in front of you." I say laughing and Tony frowns. "Aww, Tone, don't frown you'll get wrinkles." I say laughing harder with Jaime and Vic making Tony frown more. Just then Jaime's phone goes off and he walks away to answer.

He comes back and sits down. "Who was that?" Vic asks. "My girlfriend." He replies casually. My head instantly turns to Vic, knowing that he likes him but obviously doesn't know. "W-wait, when did you g-get a girlfriend?" Vic asks, his lip quivering slightly but not enough for Jaime to see. "Uh, about a week ago?" He says and turns to look at Vic. "Why?" He asks Vic. "Uh, because I'm your best friend and you didn't bother to tell me." He says convincingly although it is true about being his best friend. "Oh, I'm sorry, Vic." He says and then looks at his phone. "Oh, I gotta go." He says standing up. "Where?" Vic asks standing up too. "...To go hang with my girlfriend." He says before hugging Vic. Vic lets go of him unwillingly watching as he walks out.

  Once I hear the door shut, I stand up and quickly make my way to Vic. Once I reach him, I wrap my slender arms around his tiny waist. "Vic, I'm sorry." I say quietly. "It's okay, Mike. I already knew he wasn't gay." He says, his voice dropping lower than usual. "Vic.." "Mike, let it go." (Do NOT make some stupid Frozen joke, this is supposed to be sad) And with that he walks out and back into his room.

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