Prom Date? pt 2

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Tony's p.o.v

  "So, Tony, will you be my date to prom?" Mike asks on one knee with grey and green flowers, the color of my vest and tie. I stare at him wide eyed while Austin and Alan continue squealing. I put my hand over my mouth while tears rush down my face. "Aw, PDA!" Alan yells jumping up and down in his place. "Yes I will go to prom with you!" I yell and he stands wrapping his arms around me yet again, and picking me up. I look behind him to see people staring at us. A few girls had their phones out squealing. Mike puts me down and turns around, turning me in the process, and kissing my cheek while they take pictures, or videos, whichever. I blush a deep red before turning around to look at a still squealing Alan.

  "Alan calm down." I say putting my hand in front of his mouth. He licks it instead and I pull my hand away. "Ew." I say, wiping my hand on my pants. He laughs and looks at Austin. "I'm used to it." Austin says laughing. I look at Mike and he's looking at Austin and Alan. "What?" I whisper ask. He looks over at me and then back to them."I ship it." He whispers and Vic looks over at him. "I do too." Vic whispers. "Yeah, I think everyone does." I say wholeheartedly. "Everyone does what?" Austin asks standing next to Vic. "Nothing." Mike says quickly. Austin looks at him to Vic to me. "Okay.." He says suspiciously. "Yup." Vic says nervously.

  Something dawns on me after standing there for about 10 minutes. "Wait," I say to Mike, "which prom are we going to?" I ask him and he stares at me wordlessly. Something tells me he didn't think of that beforehand. "Uh, which one do you want to go to?" He asks and I look back at Austin and Alan. "I want to go to the one with Austin and Alan but I know you want to be with Jaime and Vic." I say slowly.

  He looks over at Austin and Alan. "Are you two going together?" Mike asks them. Alan starts blushing and nods slowly. Austin, unphased by what he asked, nods triumphantly. Mike smiles and asks if they can come to his prom and they say yes. "We're going to mine and Vic's prom." He says smiling. "Ok," the bell rings stopping me from finishing my sentence. "Fuck." Vic mutters looking at his phone. "Where are you guys gonna go until I get out?" I ask quickly. "Uh, Vic?" Mike asks. "I don't know, we'll text you to let you know where we are or you can text us so we can come pick you up." Vic says and I nod. "Ok, see ya." I say before running up to Mike and kissing him. "I love you, Tone." Mike says as I run away. "I love you too!" I yell back before turning around and running into the building.

Vic's p.o.v

  I watch as Tony runs into the building before turning around to walk back to the car. Halfway there my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take it out and see its a message from Jaime

  Himes- Vic where are you guys??

  Me and Mike skipped school so he could ask Tony to prom

  I type back and put my phone in my pocket. "What's wrong?" Mike asks suddenly. "What are you talking about?" I ask curiously. "Your whole face just changed, and you look like you're going to start crying." He says. I put my hands on my face and wipe. Sure enough there's liquid on the back of my hands when I pull away. "Oh, I don't know. Allergies?" I guess and get in the car. He nods looking unsure and gets in the passenger seat. My phone vibrates again and I take it out.

  Himes- oh I have to talk to you. I guess I'll do it later

  You're not in school are you?

  Himes- no

  Then wait outside your house and I will pick you up

  Himes- but isn't mike with you

  Yeah but I can always drop him off

  Himes- ok I'll be outside my house

  See ya hime-time

  Himes- see ya viccy

  I look over at Mike. "I'm gonna have to drop you off somewhere, the skatepark work?" I ask backing out of the school's parking lot. "Yeah, that works." He says. I nod and continue driving until the skatepark is in view. "See ya, Mike." I say as he gets out of the car. "See ya." He says closing the door and retrieving his skateboard. I wait until he rides off to leave for Jaime's.

  What could Jaime possibly want to talk to me about?

  I reach Jaime's and he's sitting on his porch.

  "Hey, hime-time." I say walking over to him. "Hey, Vic." He says scooting over so I can sit next to him. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask sitting down. "Uh, well, ok, please don't hate me for this." He says quickly without looking at me. When I don't say anything he looks up. "Please." He says before leaning in closer until his lips are pressed against mine. I don't respond for a minute because of shock but start to when he starts to pull away. I lean in closer to deepen the kiss. Eventually we stop for air.

  "Will you go to prom with me?" He asks breathing heavily. I stare at him in shock before I answer. "Y-yes." I stutter horribly and he smiles through tears. He leans closer and kisses me softly before stopping and hugging me tightly.

A/N OMG AN UPDATE!!!! FUENCIADO!!! I hope you enjoy this and I love you so much ♥ thank you for all of the comments and the votes, they mean a lot. Love you lots!

  (PS Oh yeah, have our heard PTV's new song, The Divine Zero? Its so good. Go check it out!)

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