MY Love Wins

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  Jaime's p.o.v

  I did it, I finally asked Vic to be my date to prom. I feel like I just asked him to marry me, which is now legal may I add.

  I pull back from the hug and look at him, his beautiful chocolate brown orbs staring into my own. He looks at the ground realizing his eyes have lingered for too long. I smile and lift his chin back up. "I'm glad I asked you to prom." I say sincerely. He blushes scarlet before kissing my cheek. He cuddles back into me.

  We're quiet for a little while longer before he sits up a little and looks at me. "What about your girlfriend?" He asks suddenly. "What about her?" I ask back. "When did you break up with her?" He asks more specifically. "A little after I kissed you." I reply looking across the street. "The day you kissed me?" He wonders. "Of course, I realized I didn't like her as much as I thought I did." I say looking down, feeling a little ashamed. "I'm sorry, Jaime." He says after a few. "Don't be, I'm glad it worked out this way." He smiles at this and goes back to cuddling me.

  Vic's p.o.v

  After 20 more minutes of cuddling Jaime, his mom walks out. "Jaime, what are you-" she stops short when she sees me. "Oh, hey Vic." She says wearing a goofy smile similar to Jaime's. "Hey, Ms. Preciado." I say waving slightly. "Why aren't either of you in school?" She asks us. "Mike." I respond and she nods then looks over at Jaime. "And you young man?" She asks crossing her arms over her chest. He shrugs and looks up at her. She sighs before walking around us. "I'll be back in a couple of hours." She calls before backing out of the driveway. He waves slightly before looking down at me.

  "Do you think we'll work out? I'm not trying to be negative, but do you think we will?" He asks worriedly. "Yes, Jaime, I think we'll work out just fine." I say honestly, smiling up at him. He smiles wide before my phone goes off. I look down at the screen which says 'Turtle'. "Its Tony." I say before answering.

  "Hey, Tone Bone, are-" I start to ask but get cut short by Tony. "Vic, please pick me up." He says frantically. "Tony, what happened?!" I ask standing up and walking quickly over to my car with Jaime on my heels. "I'll tell you when you get here just please." He says a little calmer and hangs up.

  I stop and look at Jaime. "Let's go pick up Tony and then Mike." He nods and slides into the passenger seat. I quickly get in, turn on the car, and race down the street.

  Tony's p.o.v

  I hang up on Vic before I hear him say he's coming, I just expect him to now. School hasn't ended yet, but since Vic doesn't know that, he's really willing to come. I was just in lunch when all hell broke loose. I shake my head and look to the side when a hear a car approach, it's Vic. Vic jumps out of the car first, then Jaime.

  "Tone, what's wrong?" Vic asks looking uneasy. "I just don't want to be here, I want to be with Mike." I say. Vic nods soundlessly and turns to walk back to the car, taking Jaime by the hand and pulling him back to the car as well. I walk over to the car and get into the backseat. I look up from my feet and see that Vic still hasn't let go of Jaime's hand. "Uh, Vic? Why are you still holding Jaime's hand?" I ask looking at them both because it doesn't seem like Jaime minds.

  "Oh, uh, Jaime asked me to be his date to prom." Vic says blushing lightly. "Oh, that's nic- WAIT, JAIME ASKED YOU TO PROM?!?! OH MY GOD, ARE YOU DATING NOW?!" I ask over excitedly. "If he wants to." Jaime spoke up looking a little nervous. "We'll see after prom." Vic says slyly. "I hate to break up the moment, believe I do, but can we go get Mike now?" I ask laughing awkwardly afterwards. "Yeah!" Vic says letting go of Jaime's hand and putting the car in drive.

*15 minutes later*

  We reach the skate park and I look at Vic wondering why we're here, but then a loud, obnoxious Mike opens the back door and hops in. "Was there a reason to open the door like a barbarian?" I ask. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead. "Yes." He says wrapping one of his skinny arms around me. "I highly doubt it." I say laughing. Vic rolls his eyes smiling in the rearview window. He finally drives off to God knows where. He pulls up to Jaime's house and gets out.

  We enter the house and sit down on the couch. "Hey Mikey guess what?" Vic says laughing when Mike gives him a death glare. "Anyway, Jaime asked me to prom." Mike looks between the two of them to see if they were messing with him. "Seriously? Jaime finally grew balls? Holy shit, congrats guys." Mike says, not fanboying as much as I did. Jaime and Vic both smile at each other before Jaime pecks Vic's lips. "Disgusting." Mike whispers in my ear before kissing it. I giggle and watch him assault my ear. I really, really do love Mike.

A/N omg hey guys. Sorry this was just kinda a filler chapter bc I needed SOMETHING out there before actual prom. Also im very very sorry for not updating all summer, but either way I hope you enjoy.


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