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(If you don't like le tounges in mouths then don't read it.... Sorry)
(Really bad at this..... just sayin'.... This'll probably suck.... So if you like it... then.... Comment? Yeah, comment. I wanna know if I could continue with le smut until... the whole "D". {Later on in the story though..} Yeah, let me know, message me or comment.. If you're (Duh duh duh) Brave enough. Sorry ENJOY!) Sethy

Tony's p.o.v

Mike is smoking weed in the corner while I'm examining Vic's burn. "Vic, how long have you liked Jaime?" I ask him. "Uhm, the second week we hung out together." He says. "You should've told him, not wait til he gets a girlfriend." Mike says sounding annoyed. "But I didn't tell him." Vic says confused. "He's gonna see the fucking burn, Vic. And if you wear a scarf then I'm just gonna have to call you mainstream. Do you see the jocks wearing scarves? They look ridiculous." Mike says shaking his head.

  Vic looks at me. "He's right." I say nodding and then looking over at Mike. "Even when he's high." I say laughing a little. "I'm smart when I'm high." Mike says standing up in front of us. "No, you're delusinal when you're high." Vic says laughing when Mike gives a pout. "Well my Tone thinks I'm smart, right baby?" Mike asks me. "I think you're smart anyway." I say avoiding the direct question but he doesn't seem to notice. Vic starts laughing, realizing what I did. "Shut up, Vic." I say and he puts his hands up in defense. "Hey, I'm not the oine who did it." He says laughing.

"I'm tired." I say suddenly. Vic looks at Mike. "Time for bed, Mikey." Vic says jokingly. "I may be high, but I fucking dare you to call me 'Mikey' again." Mike says seriously causing Vic to stop laughing. "That's what I thought. C'mon Tone." He says grabbing my hand. I give Vic a terrified look but he gives a reasurring smile. "You'll be okay." He whispers before Mike walks out of the room, still holding my hand. We walk into the hallway and head for his bedroom.

Once inside, I'm pushed to the wall and Mike is attacking my lips. I take a minute to realize what's happening but when I do, I attack his just as forcefully. I feel him bite my lip ever so gently (yea, I know he's kissing hard but seriously? What is this?) asking for entrance. I deny him and bite his a little harder, he moans causing me to stick my tounge inside and fight for dominance. But of course, he wins and explores the wonders of my mouth. "Tone, you taste good." He murmurs against my tongue.

  I feel my face heat up (yes, I know he's forcefully kissing me but that makes me blush!) He stops for a moment to look at me. "Aww, you're blushing." He coos making me blush harder (What even?). He smirks. "Oh, shut up." I say grabbing his face, spinning us around so that he's against the wall, and sticking my tounge back in as he starts to protest. I win this time and let my tounge explore his mouth. He tastes amazing, but I'm not gonna tell him that. He whimpers against me as I bite down on his tounge. I start to suck his tounge, opening my eyes for the reaction. He has his eyes closed, with a cross of pain and pleasure, good enough for me. I pull back panting as he opens his eyes panting too. He smiles at me to which I return.

He walks over to his dresser and turns to me. "Need pajama pants?" He asks casually, obviously not minding the hot moment that just happened between us. "Yes, I do." I say as he's already throwing me a pair. I catch them in my hands and look at them.

  "ERMEHGERD!" I scream looking at them making him turn around quickly. "What?" He asks eyeing me. "These pants! They're turtles!" I yell jumping up and down like a 7 year old who just hyper off of a milkshake. "Yeah..." He says looking at me funny. "I love turtles!" I yell still jumping. "Oh, yeah, I know." He says with a smile. "I got them for you." He says, smile widening. "Aww, really?!" I ask him and he nods. I run over to him and hug him tightly. "Thanks, Mikey." I say, eyes widening realizing what I just let slip. "You're welcome, Tone." He says kissing my forehead.

  Either he heard and didn't care, or he didn't hear it. "Uh, did you hear that or..." I ask trailing off. "I heard it." He says laughing. I let go of him and walk over to his bed. "After you, my good sir." I say bowing. "Thank you, my good man." He says climbing into it and patting the spot next to him. I happily take it lying down next to him. He snakes his arm around my waist and pills me closer. "Night, Tone." He says, his hot breath on the back of my neck making me shiver. "Night, Mikey." I pressed closing one eye to see if he would react like he did earlier. Instead he laughs and burries his head in my back. "Love you." He says kissing it. "Love you too." I say closing my eyes.

A/N Haiii! I'm updating three times this week because I didn't update this one last week. Get ready for another update, people! I'm still gonna update le Kellic, okay? Okai. Did you like the smut? Well, somewhat smut? ;) Tony was being all dominate.... Heh heh. Till another 2 hours, bye Lovelies!


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