Strange Feelings

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Mike's p.o.v

I'm not gay..right?? I like girls.. And only girls. But why do I like watching gay porn? Reason being it looks fun but not fun enough to try it. But Tony is cute- WAIT! Did I just say Tony's cute?! A male being?! Ugh, what the actual fuck?

  Currently I'm sitting on my bed. Its 3:45 am and I still haven't slept because of this whole "being gay" thing. Its really stressing me out. I mean of course I have feelings for Tony, I did see him get beat and then beat the hand that did it, so who wouldn't? I'm visiting Tony tomorrow and I have been getting what girls call "butterflies". I get up and decide to take a shower.

  I walk into the bathroom and turn the water on warm, undress, and get in. I start thinking about Tony and my little friend decides to wake up. You're kidding me right? I mentally ask it. I mean it could probably hear me but it couldn't answer. Its seems to shake its "head" at my question. That wasn't awkward at all... I stand there and just watch it. Not touching it.

  "You are one weird thing." I say flicking it. It tenses under it and I decide to bother Vic. I get out of the shower, put on a pair of Grey sweatpants and a new pair of boxers then head to Vic's room. I open his door and stand in the doorway. He looks up from his phone in his hand and stares at me.

  "Vic, I think I'm gay." I tell him and he sits up. "You think?" He asks and I nod. "Why do you think this?" He asks. "I got a boner in the shower thinking about Tony." I reply bluntly.

Vic's p.o.v

Well that was the most blunt way you could possibly put it. I think. I start laughing at him realizing what he said. He looks at me confused. "You just got a boner..and you didn't take care of it because it was the thought of a guy giving it to you!" I laugh harder and he just glares. "Don't give me that look. I can see the pole making a tent in your pants." I continue laughing at him.

  "C'mon Vic." He says. "I'm sorry, Mikey." I reply, teasing him. "Don't call me Mikey." He says looking straight at me. "Sure" I say, "Anyway, I know why you came in here. Its because you're in denial about it. Just embrace it. Do the opposite of what you chose to do about your happy pole friend." I state and go back to Tumblr. He's quiet before he speaks again. "Okay." He says and leaves. I decide to text Tony knowing he's up even in the hospital.

  Me: Hey, Tone. Guess what?!

  Turtle: -.- vic just tell meh

  Me: fine! Mike's going gay for chu bb. CX

  Turtle: ish heh realleh??? \•O•/

  Me: yasssss! He just came in her with a boner saying it was because of chuuu

  Turtle: wow already perverted thoughts C; meh likeh!

  Me:.. Tony..your gay ish showing...

  Turtle: oops.. Let it show, let it show, let it show!

  Me: haha, wow. nice song

  Turtle: yay! thanks. anyway see you tomorrow, nighteh! :D

  Me: see ya, nighty night! C:

Tony's p.o.v

After Vic texts me a goodnight I decide to call my uncle.

  One ring

  Two rings

  Three rings

  By the fourth ring he picks up. "H-hello." I stutter into the phone. "Tony?" He asks me. "Uh, the one and only other Perry." I say chuckling at the end. "Haha, what's up, Tony?" He asks. "Uh, well, my dad is in a coma and he might not wake up..." I trail off. He's quiet for a second. "So you mean you want me to take care of you?" He asks. Damn so many questions. "Uh, yeah." I say. "Okay. See you in about a week!" He says cheerfully and hangs up. Well that went well. Yay, only 20 minutes from my gay prince and his brother.

  A/N sorry for the short chapter. the next one will be longer..hopefully. Anyway was it good, guys? Bye, Lovelies!


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