Prom Date?

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Mike's p.o.v

"That's all you had to say!" I hear Jaime yell quietly at Vic. They come back in and I stand up. "I've decided to forgive you douchebags!" I yell, laughing afterwards. "Me too!" Tony joins in laughing. Jaime and Vic laugh at our silliness. I decide to go see what they were talking about in the hallway.

"Hey Vic?" I say standing up again. He turns and looks at me. "Yeah?" He asks, confused. "Can I talk you for a second?" I ask and he shrugs walking over to me. I lead him to his room and sit on his bed. "What?" He asks. "What were you and Jaime talking about before you came back in my room?" I ask him. His eyes widen before he sighs. "Uh." He scratches the back of his neck before answering.

"T-tony's on s-suicidal watch." He stutters, looking down. "He's what?!" I ask frantically. "He's on suicidal watch, Mike." He says more confidently. I look down at my shoes. Vic shuffles over to me and sits on the bed next to me. "It's going to be okay, Mike." He says, while rubbing soothing cirlces on my lower back. "I'm sorry, Mike.." He says looking at me. I look up and over at him. I nod slightly and get up.

"Does Tony know?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "No. Are you going to tell him?" He asks. I look over into my room to see him laughing with Jaime. "No, he looks really happy. He deserves to be." I say smiling slightly and walk back to my room. "Yeah." Vic says smiling and following me back to my room.

Tony and Jaime look up at us when we reenter. Tony gets up and sits down next to me on the floor. "Hey Tone." I say happily. "Hey Mike!" He yells and I instantly look at Jaime. "What did you give him?" I ask Jaime referring to how hyper Tony is.

He looks at me weird for a few minutes before a look of realization takes over his facial features."Nothing besides his medicine." He says laughing. "What?" I ask for wondering why he's laughing. He shrugs, "It's just cute how you're so worried. He's not going anywhere." I shrug and stare dead at him. "What?!" He asks once he sees me staring. "You called me cute." I say and he shrugs yet again. "I'm sure anyone would find it cute that you're worried about your boyfriend because of your best friend." He says laughing. I nod and turn my attention back to Tony.

*Time Lapse 2 weeks later*

Mike's p.o.v

So..prom is in about 1 week... Tony doesn't go to our school anymore but I'm gonna ask him. Yeah, I'm gonna ask Tony. Jaime already asked his girlfriend and she said yes. Yes, I know, Jaime should go with Vic but I can't help that. Vic is definitely going with me and if Tony says yes then Vic won't be lonely.

"Hey Vic." I say walking into my brother's room undetected. He jumps at the sound of my voice and looks up. "You fucking scared the shit out of me." He says holding his heart. "...They say the teenagers scare the living shit out of me." I sing then start laughing when Vic's face changes. "Really?" He asks looking unimpressed. "Yes really because I'm not okay, I promise.." I say laughing harder afterwards. "You're so corny." He says laughing. "Anyway," he continues "What do you want MCR?" He asks me. "I want to know what color Tony's tie/vest will be." I say knowing Vic already knows. "Uh, he said his tie is going to be green and his vest is grey." He says after thinking for a minute. I think for a minute before getting up. "Kay, thanks." I call walking out of his room. "You're welcome." He calls back an I walk to my room.

I walk over to m dresser and grab a random pair of skinnies, shirt, and a hoodie. I grab my phone off of my dresser and walk over to Vic's room again. "Hey can you take me to a flower shop?" I ask feeling stupid for asking to go to a flower shop. Vic ignores my existance while getting up and putting on his VANS. "Sure." He says chuckling. I roll my eyes and follow him out of his room.

We walk to the car and start the drive to the closest flower shop. We reach the flower shop and get out. I walk into it first and immediately start look for white flowers, you know for a corsage or whatever. I find them and walk up to the counter. "Mike, what are you doing? That isn't the color he's wearing." Vic says from beside me. "Yeah, I know." I say smiling. He looks at me funny but dismisses it and waits for me. I pay for the flowers and them ask him if he can take me to the store.

"All this just for fucking flowers." He mutters and starts driving to the store. We get out once we reach it and I walk in first. I walk to the very back to find the paint. "Mike, what the hell are you doing?" He asks as he tries to keep up with my long legs. "You'll see." I say stopping in front of the grey and neon green paint. Vic runs into me due to no warning that I stopped. He doesn't knock me over though so who cares. "The hell?" He asks under his breath. I grab the grey and neon paint.

I pay for it and walk out. We drive home and I get out quickly once we reach the house. I run upstairs with the paint and flowers and start painting lightly.

*The next day*

Tony's p.o.v

I get up and look at my calander. On the 20 is labeled PROM. Prom..Mike hasn't asked me. I shake my head and get up.

I walk to school with headphones in my ears and see my friends Austin and Alan. "Did Mike ask you yet?" Is the first thing out of Alan's mouth where as Austin laughs at his anticipation. "No not yet Alan." I say laughing also. "Aw." He says sounding disappointed. "You're more excited for this than I am."I say laughing more. Alan shrugs and laughs too.

Mike's p.o.v

"Vic c'mon I have to." I whine as we get into the car. He sighs deeply before replying. "Fine, but you owe me big time." He says giving in. "Yay!" I say pumping my fists in the air. He shakes his head laughing and we drive to school.

We reach the school and spot Tony. Didn't I mention we were going to Tony's school? Oops. I see his friends looking behind him with wide eyes and I put my finger to my mouth so Tony doesn't see them acting like that. They nod slightly and look back at Tony. I quietly walk up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He jumps and turns around looking at me in shock. "MIKE!" He yells and jumps on me into a hug. "Hey Tone!" I yell and wrap my arms around his waist.

He jumps down and looks over at Vic. "Hey Vic." He says happily. Vic semi waves and looks around. He looks back to me and smiles. "So what are you doing here?" Tony asks. "Well.." I trail off and take my bookbag off of my back. I open it and take out the flowers. "So, Tony, will you be my date to prom?" I ask and I hear his friend squeal in the back ground.

A/N ooh cliffhanger. Lol its still good I promise. Omg an update! Ikr anyway have fun lovelies. I love you guys! Bye Lovelies!

  P.S MAYBE another update today or this week.


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