Dont Fear The Reaper

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Tony's p.o.v

   I continue walking to school listening to ADTR. I stop walking and just stand there. I don't want to go to school but if my dad gets a call from school, I'm screwed. I sigh and start walking again.

  I make it to school in about 7 more minutes of walking. I enter the building and quietly walk to my locker. Ah, shit. Locker combination? I dig around in my bookbag and finally find the paper I wrote my combination on. I put it in and open my locker. A note falls out and since I'm a curious fuck, I decide to open it. I read it.

  It reads:

Hey we know we never talk but uh wanna hangout? Yuh know with Mike and us? We promise you this isn't a prank or some bullshit joke. If you want to hangout just come sit next to me (Jaime) in Algebra or sit with us at lunch, your choice. C: I just wanna be friends and actually Vic wants to be friends with you too. Mike? Me and Vic actually never told Mike but he's the younger brother so it doesn't really matter. But if he's a little bit of a dick at first don't be offended. It would be our faults. :C

P.S I know you like Mike. C;
×Vic and Jaime :D

  Okay, forget the fact that they wanna hang out with me but that they know I have a crush on  Mike?! Which one knows? How would Mike react if he knew?! I don't think he's gay though. Ugh, Life, stop getting in the way!

  Its now time for algebra. Should I sit with Jaime? I don't wanna be rude and not sit with him, especially when I was invited. I sigh and walk over to the seat next to Jaime. "Hey, Tony!" He yells causing everyone to stare at me. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. "H-hey," I stutter. Just then a chair next to me slides against the floor. I look up and see Vic. "Hey, Tony. I'm glad you chose to sit with us." Vic says more calmly than Jaime. I make a small smile and nod at him.

~25 minutes later~

  Ugh, how long is Algebra?! This is boring as fuck! I think and look down. There's a note on my desk from Vic.

Vic: Hi :3

  I decide to write back.

  Me: hello o~O

  Vic: you like my brother C;
  Me: ... ._. how do you know??
  Vic: I'm not stupid, tone °-°

  Me: I didn't say you were, I was just wondering...

  Vic: xD I was kidding. But I do know. ;3

  Me: how...

  Vic: dude, I'm his brother, I don't talk much either. I just watch what happens from the sidelines. And I just so happen to see you staring at him like this @~@ everyday

  Me: .. Uh.. can yuh blame me??

  Vic: hmm, guess I can't cx

  Me: XD good

  Vic: haha, but hey if you wanna ask him out or some shit, go right ahead. But I would wait to do so

  Me: is he even gay?

  When Vic doesn't respond I look over to see him thinking, hard. He quickly jotts something down and hands it to me.

  Vic: he has a denial about it, xc although I've caught him watching gay pornos C; ...more than once o~o. I don't know why he's in so much denial though no ones gonna judge him. Even if they do, he feared to there should be no problem with it
Vic: he's* xD

  Me: he's...feared? why? what happened?

  Vic: I'm afraid if I tell you, you wouldn't like Mike anymore... :'C

  I glance over at Vic and he has a sad look on his face. Can it be that bad?

  Me: oh

  Vic: yeah....I'm sorry, tone

  Me: its okay, vic. actually..nothing really scares me these days but you don't have to tell me

  Vic: uh, if he wants to he'll tell you

  Me: I don't think he'll wan to..

  Vic: me either, but maybe

  I decide not to answer back and absentmindedly scratch my arm. I see Vic look at me with questioning eyes and I look down. I quickly stop and go back to my work.

  Vic: we'll talk about that later °^°

  I look at him and he nods so I turn back to my paper. By the time I finish the last one the bell rings. Finally! I get up and start collecting my stuff while Vic and Jaime wait by the door. I walk over to them and walk out to my locker. They stand there chatting away while I get out my Chemistry book. Vic looks at it. "Is that for the chemistry you and Mike are soon to have?" He asks and Jaime bursts out laughing. I glare at him but with Jaime laughing like that, I can't keep a straight face. I end up laughing too then Vic joins in. We walk to the cafeteria together and walk to the table Mike is at. Here goes nothing.

  Mike's p.o.v

  I look up when I hear shuffling behind me and see... Tony? I look at him with a confused face and he glances toward Vic and Jaime. "Oh, we invited him to eat with us." Vic says bluntly. Considering he's the older one I don't argue. I sit down and pat the seat next to me for Tony to take. He sits down and fiddles with his fingers. "What's wrong?" I ask him genuinely concerned. His head snaps up and he looks around, as if trying to find the person I was talking to. His eyes meet mine and I nod. "Oh. Nothing, nothings wrong." He says but I'm sure hes lying. About 5 minutes later Vic's phone goes off. I watch as he stands up and walks out. He comes back 2 minutes later with a tear stained face.

  "What happened?!" I ask frantically while walking to meet him halfway. "Dads..... dead...." He gets out in between sobs. I hadn't realized I was holding his shoulders until my arms fell to their sides. I glance at Jaime who quickly gets up and takes both of mine and Vic's arms. "Tony c'mon!" He yells and Tony quickly gets up and follows. Jaime drags us to his car and Tony sits next to him in the front seat, which sucks balls.

~20 minutes later~

  We're at the hospital but Tony looks resistant to go in. And yes we left school without permission I do it all the time but Vic was probably freaking out. But hey, family crisis! "Tone, let's GO!" Jaime screams, trying to pry Tony off of the railing. If we weren't in a hurry this would be amusing but we gotta go. Okay i have to admit this is pretty damn funny. Family crisis or not funniest shit ever. Jaime is litteraly grabbing Tony's legs now and yanking him while Tony is holding on for dear life. I look over and Vic is crying from laughter. He's doubled over and seeming to forget why we're here, which is actually a good thing. I eventually walk over to Jaime and grab one of Tony's legs and pull. Vic is now dying litteraly on the ground just laughing his ass off.

  We finally got Tony off the rail, which Vic is still dying over, getting weird looks from people, and are sitting in the white hospital room. Mine and Vic's mama come out and we rush over to her. Vic hugs her first because in most situations, he's the weaping bride. Im crying too but Vic is like glass. He's so fragile that if he gets any kind of rejection he breaks. I understand this and hug mama after Vic. She looks at Jaime who stands up an hugs her as well. She looks toward Tony with a questioning face. He quickly gets up and mutters a sorry before running out. Poor Tone.

  I look back at mama to see her whispering to Vic. "Don't fear the Reaper." She whispers to him. I'm guessing he's scared about anyone else dying, but that line she just said, is a line to live by. Anyone could die at anytime without having done shit. Might as well not fear it. He nods and looks away, not wanting to see her anymore.

Title Credit:
  Don't Fear The Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult~ (cover by Pierce The Veil)

  A/N Like it? I do. I loved writing/typing the conversation between Vic and Tony. :D Intense convo. Cx This chapter is long as shit so love it! XD Anyway, bye lovelies!


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