Snowball Fight 2.0

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(@WifeOfEnjolras) Part two to Proposal!

So the Snowball Fight started when Sparky threw a snowball at Enjolras after the proposal.


So while everyone was making snowballs, Clint and Sparky made some Snow Barricades. 


Enjolras called the snow barricades 'Pathetic' and this is where Sparky became a savage. She s̶a̶i̶d̶  yelled 'WELL AT LEAST OUR BARRICADES STAY UP AND DON'T GET US KILLED!' 


Kaylin was already tearing up because you know Les Mis fan. 


Then to put themselves in bigger do-do Sparky played 'The Death of Gavroche' and when Gav got shot in the song Sparky shot the real Gavroche with a nerf gun and Gav played along by throwing himself onto the ground. 


To get back at Sparky, Kaylin played the Laurens Interlude. Instead of crying as normal Sparky laughed it off with Clint. 


Clint and Sparky put on the Final Battle from Les Mis on the projector. Kaylin almost killed them. They started running and Kaylin chased after them. 


So Sparky pulled Gavroche onto the barricade and said if Kaylin didn't give them stuff she would shoot Gav with a snowball. So Kaylin gave them both chocolate. Then she hit Clint in the face with a snowball. 


For Clint's vengeance, Sparky grabbed Enjolras and pulled him over the snow barricade, and claimed that he was their hostage so Kaylin took Courf. 


For the sake of their team, Clint and Sparky gave Kaylin Enjy back in exchange for Pietro. So they got Pietro. But instead of just him they also got, Shuri, Loki, Quill, Rocket and Peter Parker. 


They called themselves the Mini-Avengers. Kaylin's team was called the Les Amis. How original. 


So while the other team was talking about their strategy the Mini-Avengers were building a snow-castle. 


By the time the first snow fort was built by the Les Amis, the Mini-Avengers had 30 snow-barricades defending the two towers of their snow-castle that was still in progress. 


Then Sparky used Loki's scepter as a baseball bat to launch snowballs at Kaylin. 


Then Kaylin got one of Clint's bow and arrows and shot Ferre in the back. He wasn't happy. 


Then Sparky dunked Enjolras with a bunch of snow. He started to chase her for a good while.  


Then Sparky hit Enjolras in the head with a snowball and he fell backward dramatically. Then everyone on team Mini-Avengers got him hard. 


Eventually, all of the snow-barricades were massacred by the Les Amis. Then the snow-castle fell but then Sparky asked Wanda to do her a favor. So with the help of Quicksilver and Wanda, everyone on the Les Amis team was dunked with water. Basically, Wanda levitated Pietro into the air and using his super-speed, Pietro got everyone with water. 


After a five-hour battle, everyone went home to get changed for the Engagment Party. 

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