Niki Pontermercy Being Marius' Favourite Sibling

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A/N hello again! I just wanna say Niki is AJ's close friend and Marius' little sister by a few years. Thomas is the annoying kid who wants attention and thinks he's rich, Layla is the gossip girl. Logan and Ramin are Marius' other brothers. Ramin's older while Logan's younger.

*The school day ends and Niki has to pick up Marius and the boys*
Marius: where the hell is Niki?!
Enjy: I honestly don't know or care.
*A limo pulls up outside of the collage*
Thomas (the annoying kid): Finally! My parents show up and finally pick me up.
Layla: Thomas you have a limo?
Thomas: why yes I do!
Layla: that's amazing! *stands closer to him as she's a gold digger*
Marius: *smirks*
Thomas: what are you smirking about No- Money Marius?
Courf: that's not your limo Thomas.
Thomas: And how do you know that Clumsy Courf?
Enjy: because he does
Thomas: You can't say anything envious Enjolras

Niki in the limo: *sighs and opens the door stepping out*
Everyone: *looks over at her in awe as Niki's practically famous*
Thomas: Ah my girlfriend's come instead!
One of the boys: Your girlfriend is Niki? The famous Niki?!
Thomas: hell yeah!
Marius: yeah right
Thomas: how'd you know that loser?
Marius: because she doesn't love you.
Niki: *sighs* Oi loser!
Marius: *looks over*
Niki: you need to hurry up! Logan's left food in the oven and he had to go out to the shop. I really don't wanna burn the house down.
Marius: Really Niki?
Niki: fine fine. I'll see if Logan's back or not *starts texting*

Thomas: how does she know you Marius?
Courf: *silently laughing*
Marius: Well-
Niki stepping forward: I'm his sister. And I'm not *looks at him with disgust* your girlfriend
Thomas: yeah yeah. I don't need a girlfriend anyways. Girls are stupid and weak!
Niki: *turns around to face him*
Marius: oh Thomas. You said that to the wrong person.
Niki dangerously: say that again I dare you
Thomas; girls are stupid and weak!
Niki: oh dear boy, I'm gonna make you wish you never said that.
Thomas: *confused*
Niki: *punches him*
Thomas: *falls to the ground*
Marius: Nice one Niki!
Niki: think twice before you say girls are weak. I could knock you into tomorrow.
Everyone else: *shocked and amazed*

Niki: okay Marius you got all of your friends? I'm dropping you off at home and then going. I have places to be. You can get food out of the oven responsibly right?
Marius: yeah Niki
Courf: where are you going this time Niki?
Niki: Recording studio. We're doing more music videos of song covers.
Marius: okay.
Niki: yeah. Ramin'll be back with his little girl and his wife at 4. Im sure you can survive till then.
Enjy: yeah we can
Niki: no bringing Cosette over until we're back Marius. Don't try
Marius: fine
Niki: okay let's go! *Niki drives the boys home and drops them off*
Marius: Thanks for the lift Niki!
Niki: No problem! See you later! *drives off*

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