Meet the Pines Family

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You hear footsteps coming down the stairs and two voices say "What's up, Wendy?"

One belongs to a girl and the other a boy. You were never good at meeting new people, because you were shy. You feel awkward when Wendy introduces you.

"This is Dipper and Mabel Pines. They're twins, if you can't tell."

You look at them and smile awkwardly. "H-hi."

A tall man walks into the room. "This must be your cousin."

"(Y/N), this is Stan. He's my boss, and the twins' great uncle."

You look at him. "So, Grunkle Stan?" Dipper chuckles. "That's what we call him actually," You blush. He was cute...

Wendy whispered in Stan's ear, "She's Dibel. Dipper and Mabel combined." You roll your eyes while smiling.

"Well hi! I'm Mabel." Says the girl.

"I love your sweater," you say. It's yellow with a purple owl on it.

Mabel smiles. "Oh, thank you! Most people *cough* Pacifica *cough cough* don't really like my sweaters..." You smile. "I think it's boss." Mabel smiles back.

Dipper walks up to you while Mabel goes to talk to Wendy. "I'm Dipper, but I guess you already know that."

"I like your name," you say trying not to sound like you're flirting or anything.

"Heh, thanks. But it's my Nickname not my real name."

"Oh, well I like it. Your hat, too." You don't ask him his real name because you're shy, and don't want to sound pushy.

A light shade of pink appears on Dipper's cheeks. "T-thanks." You can't help but blush too.

Mabel walks back over to you. "Hey,  do you like animals?"

"I love animals! Actually, I'm a vegetarian."

"Well are you ready for a CUTENESS OVERLOAD?" You laugh quietly. "I'm ready. "

Mabel takes your hand and walks you up the stairs, and then into her attic bedroom.

"Okay, close your eyes. No, Dipper, close her eyes."

"How am I supposed to close another human's eyes?" Dipper had followed you two up the stairs.

"It's okay Mabel, I got this," you say as you close your hands over your eyes.


I hope you liked it :P

So see ya the laters

BTW, I'm trying to update as often as possible so yah more coming


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