My crew

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You walk next to Wendy looking at the trees. It's so pretty... You think.

"So, where are we going?" You say.

"Well I've talked to my friends a lot about you, and they want to meet you, and I think you'll like them too. Were just walking until we see them really.....I hope we don't get lost."

"I know your kidding, Wendy."

"We're going to the lake," she says laughing. "As you've gotten older you've gotten too smart for me."

You see a lake in the distance. As you get closer, you also see a truck.

"So what are they like?" You ask.

"They're just your average group of nerds, but they're my best friends," in the distance you hear laughing. "...and for them I wouldn't change anything."

You smile. "I thought you hated chick flicks..."

She nudges you. "I do! " She laughs. "But honestly, they're awesome."

"You have my best friend, Tambry, the one with purple hair. At first impressions she's not very sociable, but when you get to know her she won't shut up. And that's why I love her."

"She's dating my ex-boyfriend, Robbie, which would sound like a problem but we've.....gotten over it. His middle name is Stacy, and he's almost always seen with his guitar."

You look at her. "Wait, did you say 'Stacy?'"

She laughs. "Yea, don't talk about it, he'll get angry. But really he's just a dork."

"Nate and Lee are the guys who are never separated. They're usually spending their time telling Thompson what to do, not in a mean way though, Thompson goes with it. Thompson is his last name, but everybody just calls him Thompson. How many times did I say 'Thompson in that sentence?'"

You smile. "They seem awesome." You've walked far enough now that Wendy calls them over.

They seem excited to see her. She seems excited to see them. You're still being shy so you kind of stay behind Wendy, until Lee points you out.

"Is this tiny Wendy?" "Lee, her name is (Y/N)." But look, they have the same face, Nate!" "Not really, but you can tell they're related." "Are you kidding me, they're like twins!"

Wendy looks at you. "This is Nate and Lee,"

You half-smile. "Hi."

Wendy walks over to who is probably Tambry and talks to her in a voice you can't really hear.

Tambry looks up from her phone. "(Y/N)? I really like that name. Wendy's told us a lot about you."

You think How much? Do they know everything? But you say "So you know how weird I am?"

You hear someone chuckle to your left. You turn to see a guy standing just enough in the light so you can see his face. "If you think you're weird try hanging our with Thompson for a day." "Hey!" Says a voice in the background.

"I'm Robbie. Nice to meet you." He says, and then walks over to Tambry.

"I'm the guy you come to when you just need a shoulder to lean on, or you need a snack." Thompson says as he pulles out a bag of chips from his pocket."

"That was lame!" You hear Nate say.

You and Wendy's friends hang out until it gets dark, and you don't even notice.

You say goodbye and hope you get to see them again soon.

Walking home you tell Wendy what you think about each person and how you indeed, think they're awesome.

She just says I told you so.

As you try to fall asleep you don't even think about anything but how this summer is going to be awesome.

And what Dipper was trying to say doesn't even cross your mind until you wake up the next morning.


Hey guys (≧∇≦)/
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I was trying really hard to get my grades up I completely forgot I was saposed to be wrighting this for you!
Sorry (。ヘ°)
But now I'm on my spring break and since I'll have a lot of time, *cough* because I have no life outside the internet *cough* I'll be updating a lot more
Maybe even daily (^▽^)
So yes I'm still alive and yes this story is still going.

Thanks for staying!

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