Let's Talk

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The morning was good. Soon it was time to go to the shack, so you got dressed and walked over with Wendy.

It had rained in the night so the smell of rain was everywhere. You loved the smell of rain. You saw dew on the trees as you passed. This was your happy place.

When Wendy opened the door it was extremely quiet. Not a sound came from anywhere, but Wendy didn't seem to notice. "It's always this quiet," she finnaly said. "But everyone's awake, so feel free to," she did what looked like a little dance and you laughed. "I really missed you, Wen." When you were younger you called her 'Wen'.

"I missed you too, apple." You smiled. When you were little you loved apples. Looks like Wendy remembered.

While it was just you and Wendy, you looked around the shack, noticing things only a keen eye could see. You've always had a good eye.

"I can see the glue on this one." Wendy laughed.

"If you need me I'll be upstairs," you say walking up them.

When you get to the attic door you hear something. You press your ear to the door to hear it better when you realize it's Dipper's voice. "I'm coming so close to finding out what this page means I just need to figure out how to decode this,"

Then the door slides open revealing yourself to Mabel and her twin brother. You awkwardly smile. "Heyyy."

"Well now would be a good time to tell her," Mabel says to Dipper. You walk in closer to their room. "Tell me what?"

Dipper looks down. "I guess I can't hide the journal forever."

"What journal?"

"Just tell her, Dip!"

"Tell me what?"

Dipper sighed. "Okay, you aren't gonna believe me, but,"

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