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Marinette's P.O.V

My eyes glossed over the weird names and numbers written on the page.

After returning from the short meeting with Chat Noir, I detransformed and immediately opened the envelope. I unfolded the paper only to see this oddly coded sentence in the middle. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, repeatedly scanning the sentence trying to solve the riddled message.

I turned the letter upside down, thinking it would help somehow. Yet, it left me more confused.

"Is there something the matter, Marinette?" Tikki asked, floating nearby with a piece of cookie in her hands.

"I am trying to figure out what the secret is behind this strange message but it is puzzling me," I answered. Then, I shifted the paper towards Tikki and asked her, "Do you know what this is trying to tell me?"

Tikki took a gander at the letter before tilting her head in befuddlement.

"I think you have this upside down," the Kwami spoke, thoughtful and making me turn the paper back to its former positioning. The red bug read over the code before gasping in excitement.

"What is it?" I asked, wondering why Tikki's face lit up with joy. The Kwami gave me a baffled look while questioning, "You really do not know what this is?"

"No, I do not," I answered, sheepishly scanning the sentence, "Can you please translate this odd sentence?"

"This is an address," Tikki explained in disbelief, "This will guide you to the person who gave you the miraculous, otherwise known as the guardian of the miraculous."

   "Really?" I replied, barely able to get the word to leave my lips, "Why would he do such a thing? Would this not put him or her in jeopardy? This is a big risk giving me this address."

"Master has faith that you will keep this safe from evil's reach," Tikki explained with a reassuring smile, "I trust that you will not put any of the heroes or the master in any danger."

   A fluttery feeling filled my heart, my mouth gaping in disbelief. I am touched and honored by this sentiment—this trust. Seeing their faith placed within my grasp, even though I am a complete stranger to these people. It almost feels like a surreal moment.

"I will do my best to not fail you," I spoke, confidence flowing through my veins and stood the tallest I have ever felt. Tikki smiled before perking up. Then, she zipped away out of sight. A knock on my door echoes off the walls, making my confidence burn to a crisp and panic arise from the ashes.

"Y-You may enter," I stuttered, scrambling to stuff the letter into a nearby dresser drawer. The very maid I continuously see opens the door and bows in respect.

"Lady Dupain-Cheng, your mother has awoken from her slumber," the maid informed me. Without a second thought, I urgently raced out of the room and dashed through the winding halls towards my parent's quarters. I could feel my adrenaline rushing, making my heart pound at a rapid pace and hoping that whatever happened to my mother has no side effects.

   Once arriving at my parent's bedroom, I twisted the knob and burst into the room. The doctor is packing his supplies while informing my father of the necessities for my mother's recovery. Father stood next to the bedside, keeping a watchful eye on his drowsy wife sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes.

   There is a brief pause after my rambunctious entry.

   The doctor concluded his packing before turning towards father, saying, "One more thing, I suggest you retrace your footsteps through the people you were last with. It might help you recall what happened."

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