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Ladybug's P.O.V

   It was difficult returning to the party, not only because of my poor outlook on it.

   It was hard to see where I was heading due to my eyes continually misting over and slowing me down. I had to sometimes stop to clear them before continuing. Once I finally arrived back at the party, I made sure the coast was clear and entered the very room I had left.

   "Spots off," I said, voice sounding grated. After the suit was gone, all my adrenaline vanished and my energy depleted. I slowly descended to the floor to sit, legs tucked underneath. A sniffle sounded from my nose.

   I felt so overwhelmed with emotions, wanting to break down and sob my eyes out. Yet, I had to stay strong. I could not cry, not while I am here. I cannot let anyone see me as a mess or it might raise suspicion. I could mourn once I am in the safety of my bedroom.

   Tikki silently floated nearby in low spirits.

   "I am sorry," I apologized to the Kwami. Tikki probably had known Master Fu for a very long time. They had to be close friends.

   "If I...If I had just been more vigilant of our surroundings...he would...he would not have..."

   I could not finish my sentence as my throat tightened. My hands clenched into fists, trembling in my lap. I tried to hold in my sorrow by biting on the bottom of my lip.

   This is all my fault. All my fault.

   "Oh Marinette, none of this was your doing," Tikki assured me in such a quiet voice, "You are not at fault and did your best like always."

   "Unfortunately, my best was not enough," I quavered, right on the edge of losing myself to despair. Tikki frowned, leisurely floating closer before hugging the side of my face.

   "Do not think such things when they are far from the truth," the Kwami replied, softly, "If this is the way it was meant to be, then it shall be. We cannot sit on "what ifs" or "what could have beens." It will only lead you down a road of misery. We cannot stop destiny's plans even if we tried. We just have to learn how to live with our scars and continue on."

   A part of me knew that Tikki was right but I could not help myself to deny continuing on. I will never forget Master Fu and Tikki wants me to just go on like he had never existed? How could she say something like that? I could never forget the man who changed my life for the better!

   "I cannot continue from-from that. I cannot simply forget Master Fu as if putting out a candle. That is not how this works. He brought wonders upon me and showed me kindness," I argued, defensively hugging myself.

   "Good, do not forget," Tikki agreed, "I would never ask such a thing of you. I apologize if I was not clear enough. What I meant was...it will be difficult but do not hold onto these feelings forever. It will take time to heal but do not let them control you your entire life. It will drive you to madness and lose yourself in your grief."

   Now, I understood.

   I do not have to forget Master Fu but I cannot let my feelings get the better of me for the rest of my lifetime.

   I nodded, "Okay."

   I gently placed my hand behind her, returning the embrace. I am very lucky to have Tikki at my side at this moment. If she were not here, I would have endured everything by myself.

   I truly hope the rest of my friends are doing alright, even if they do not feel that way at the moment.

I jolted when hearing something outside a distance away. I probably would have not heard it if I had not left the window open. I peeked outside to see a bright light coming from the poor section. My stomach churned at the sight of the large cloud of smoke rising into the night sky.

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