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Ladybug's P.O.V

Chat Noir bumped into my back. I glanced over my shoulder at him to see what was the matter.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him.

   He did not reply which made me worry. I returned my gaze ahead of me. I was planning to make sure there was nothing before going back to helping Chat Noir again. Yet, I spotted the silhouette of a person with pearl-white eyes staring at me.

   I was getting an ominous sensation from the figure in the mirror. I kept my guard up so whatever it was would not get the jump on me.


It felt like a bucket of icy water washed over my body. My eyes expanded in shock. My muscles tensed so much, my yoyo stopped spinning and fell onto the ground with a clatter.

It was funny how a million questions spawned within my mind but I could not utter a single word.

"Marinette," the voice spoke again, sounding familiar in my ears. I know that voice but...why?

Why does this voice sound so much like my mother's?

Now that I get a better look at the figure in the mirror, even it was shaped and the same size as her.

"Did Chat Noir hear?" I thought, panic drilling into my chest. I did a quick look but Chat Noir seemed to be distracted with his own thing. I followed his gaze to see what he was staring down with such speechlessness.

But I did not see anything.

I returned to my mother's shadow to see she had not moved.

"Could this all be in our heads? I seem to be the only one reacting to my mother's form and calls. Chat seems to have his own problem as well but I do not see or hear any existing phenomenon," I thought.

I blinked.

That is how long it took for me to lose track of the entity imitating my mother. I speedily scanned around the room for any sight of a shadow.

   I heard Chat's breath hitch. I assume something happened to his problem too.

   "Chat Noir," I called, "Are you seeing someone you know too? If you do, do not worry. I cannot see or hear whatever you are dealing with, nor can you to mine."

   "I...maybe?" He answered, sounding very unsure. I wonder why that is. This house continues to confuse me more and more. Its trickery is very cunning and it seemed to know our inner demons the moment we landed inside.

   "I as well," I replied, shakily, "What would happen if you used your power on the house?"

   "The Akuma will lose control and cause more destruction than it already is," he explained.

   "Then, it would be unwise to cause physical harm on the Akuma's form," I mumbled to myself.

I do not want to use my Lucky Charm again. I only have one macaroon left in my ordinary clothing. I need to save it for a bigger emergency than this.

"Think, Ladybug! What do I do? How can we stop this thing?" I thought, yelling at myself.

I blinked.

My mother's silhouette stood right in front of me.

I screamed and jumped back. I collided with Chat Noir, making us both fall onto the floor. I immediately returned my gaze to the spot my mother's dimensional imitation stood. I was heaving for air, unable to steady my breathing.

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