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Ladybug's P.O.V

Two days.

It has been two days since Rose, Alya, and I talked. Alya notified Chat Noir (as her superhero persona) later that very night. The miraculous heroes had met the next morning and devised a plan for the "surprise" attack.

   We assigned teams and schedules to monitor Gabriel Agreste. While a team of two guarded the prisoner, the rest of us scoped out for any signs of trouble in the poor section.

   Chat had trusted a poor woman with watching the baby girl until this whole fiasco ended. However, he was very reluctant to leave the little one at first. I finally convinced him that she would be safer there than at the hideout and it would probably only be a day.

   A day turned into two and it would soon be the third after the sun had set upon the horizon.

   We were getting anxious and antsy, waiting for something that had yet to happen. It has been keeping us all on edge and on high alert.

    "When is this "rescue" supposed to commence?" I wondered. Mother and I did not have much time left until we moved to the poor section. Time was running thin until there would be none left.

   "What is taking her so long?" I thought, "There is only a day and a half left until we are kicked out of the wealthy section. Could it be, that she is waiting after we move? But it made no sense.

Mother can go into the poor and wealthy section as she pleases as a wealthy folk. She would not be allowed any access back into the wealthy section for five years once we live among the poor and have a clean record. The only way to get back into the wealthy section after that would be for work.

No matter how good of an assassin she is, she would not be able to get back into the wealthy section any other way. The wall separating the sections is far too high for any normal human to get over and the guards are elite that even us heroes have to sneak past them.

There is just no possible way without super abilities. And as far as I know, mother does not use a single ounce of magic.

So, the easiest solution to recapturing Gabriel and bringing him back would be to use her temporary status while she has it.

"Unless...she found another way?" I thought, scratching my brain for any answers. Mother is a topic-ranked assassin. She would have studied every escape route she could possibly take.

"Patience, Ladybug," Chat Noir said, having noticed my nervousness, "We have to be ready. If what Rena said was true, we have to keep an eye out. Even with our heightened senses, they can still manage to sneak up on us or shoot us from afar. We cannot be dozing off for a second."

"I know," I replied, "I am just trying to figure out how they will strike. You would not think they would just run in head first if they could just sneak past us, right? I do not want anyone to get hurt."

"Not unless they plan to cause a scene somewhere in the poor section and send the rest of their group to rescue Gabriel while we go stop the distraction," Chat explained.

   "I hope not," I grumbled, "We do not need anyone getting hurt."

   I would not think mother would do such an obvious plan but I would not know. That woman is a mystery to me. I do not understand how she even works or thinks. Honestly, I do not believe she even knows herself.

   "Is everything alright? You are acting quite strange," Chat Noir questioned.

   "I am quite lovely," I responded, not meaning to add the venom in my voice.

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