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Adrien's P.O.V

I walk around the busy marketplace and keep alert for that certain scent I smelled only twice. I have been coming here every day since the day I was with my friends. Yet, I am still having no luck in finding the spy. Whoever it was, they do not come to the market often.

   I have not even had a whiff of them around the poor section. Wherever I wander on these dusty roads, I do not catch the peculiar odor.

   "Is that person a servant of a wealthy family? Why would they shop in this part of Paris when there are higher quality markets in the other? Unless they were not looking for something. They could have been looking for someone." I wondered, making no sense to me. The only people who pass through the gates are the guards and exiled wealthy children.

   Even so, who would be able to pass through the gates and return to the rich section as they please? Maybe, the mayor's lackeys? Yet, for whatever reason would he want to deal with less fortunate people? It cannot be for the merchandise or money.

"Please! I will do anything you wish out of my service! I beg of you, do not take away my daughter! She is all I have left in this world!"

My thoughts vanish in an instant. I turned toward the beggar's voice and see a small crowd of people watching the sprawl from a distance. My gaze lands on a short woman wearing a bandanna and talking to some rich scum's assistant.

"Be quiet, dirty rat!" the assistant hissed. He shoved the woman into the side of her stand. A few dried fruits and vegetables fall onto the ground. The prestigious male quickly grabbed a handkerchief to wipe the very hand he touched the female with like he had touched something disgusting. I scowl at this putrid monster.

   "Why is this jerk even here?" I questioned in my mind. A growl rumbled from the back of my throat.

"Your kind has no right to even speak to higher-ups like me. Mayor Bourgeois has been very lenient with you out of the kindness of his heart, for some reason. But he is becoming very impatient and is not amused by your lack of payment," the assistant huffed.

   "Payment?" I questioned, the wheel in my head beginning to turn, "I know he is not talking about the stand or money. I did catch the woman saying something about her daughter..."

   My eyes widen before rage started to boil within me. I finally realize what the mayor's assistant wants. Of course, he does not want something from the woman. He wants someone. Another servant.

   Is the mayor starting to abuse his powers like the last dictator of Paris?

   I pray to God that is not the case.

   The woman stood up, her stature is tall and firm. A definite look etched her face, glaring at the unfazed man.

   "I will refuse every offer you and your heinous tyrant give me," the woman spat, earning a slap from the assistant. I cannot watch this go on any longer. I begin to stomp my way over with my fists ready to hit this awful excuse of a limp noodle.

   He is a foolish man for not bringing any protection with him.

   "You will not speak to me like that, filthy vermin!" the rich scum yelled, "I will have you hanged for running your mouth-"

   I punched the assistant. He stumbled and fell to the ground. Tears of pain shed from his eyes while furiously shot a dagger-like glare straight at me. His cheek was beginning to change color from the forming bruise.

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