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Marinette's P.O.V

I stomped down the hallway. Anyone coming from the opposite direction of me immediately stepped off to the side in fear, feeling the outrage pouring off of my person.

I did not bother to knock and slammed open the door to my father's office.

My father was startled at my loud entry, looking up from writing something in a book. Unfortunately, my mother was not in the room. She was one of the main reasons I came to this room but I will have to settle with father.

I approached his desk and slammed my hands on his desk.


Father's eyes practically bulged out of his head at my sudden outburst of anger. He blinked in surprise as he processed what I said.

"WELL?!" I seethed.

"The date...was moved?" Father questioned. I was a bit taken aback by his confusion. Did he not know?

"What do you mean by that? Did you not discuss it with mother to move the wedding to this week?" I questioned. There was still heat in my voice but I calmed down. Father may hardly be present in my life but he was not a bad man. Unlike mother, he was a lot nicer.

   "Of course not," Father answered, "Your mother and I agreed that Lord Couffaine would be your suitor for a year before you are to be wed."

   This was news to me. So, Father had nothing to do with this? Which leaves me to believe that mother was going to go behind his back. Was she even going to invite father or maybe lie to him?

   I growled under my breath, "Where is mother?"

   Father narrowed his eyes, seeming upset as well. He stood from his desk.

   "I would like a word with her as well," he said before shouting, "Guard, where is my wife?"

   "Lady Cheng is in your quarters. She has asked for no disturbances," the guard answered.

   I perked in interest, wondering what mother was up to. If she is asking for privacy, she must be up to something. If Rose is correct, she may be in contact with Hawkmoth right now. I need to go see what she is doing this instant.

   "On second thought, I am recalling something I need to do," I excused myself from Father's office, "We shall talk to her once she has finished her business. Send someone for me when she is ready to talk."

   I rushed to my bedroom and went straight for the secret tunnel entry. It was slightly agape. A sign that Rose had the same idea as I. My heels clicked down the small, dark hallway toward where I knew my parent's room was.

   I paused and took my shoes off, leaving me barefoot. She may hear me approaching from the other side of the painting.

   There was a slight gap of light ahead. I could hear my mother's voice talking but her words were muffled due to distance and a wall.

   I quietly approached, hoping Rose would not react in a noisy manner. If I scared her, our hiding place would be compromised.

   Much to my luck, Rose glanced over her shoulder and did not react to my sudden appearance. Silently, she waved me over before returning to overhearing my mother's conversation. I joined her but could not see into the room too well.

   I did not need to though. I just needed to listen to my mother's voice.

   "This man is going to be the death of me one of these days," Sabine muttered, "Are you sure he is even there? He could be dead for all you know."

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