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From here on out, I will be using "Polymouse" instead of "Multimouse" (because that is Marinette's identity with the mouse miraculous).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! I'm just gonna...go hit my head on the wall for a bit.


Ladybug's P.O.V

I gritted my teeth, rejecting whatever influence wanted me to kill Bunnyx.

"No," I renounced, "I will not...hurt...my friend."

"DO NOT BE DECEIVED, YOU FOOL! KILL HER!" the voice continued, arguing. I could feel the anger pulsing through my veins like a raging volcano emitting lava.

"No!" I yelled. I gripped the sides of my head when it began to throb. It felt like a hammer was repeatedly hitting nails into my brain. I yelped in agony, fighting the diseased voice forcing and controlling me to do its every whim.

   Yet, I will not comply with such a deed. I will not let this demon manipulate my judgment both physically and mentally. I grunted when a pressure caved in on me. My limbs weighed as much as an enormous chandelier.

The world around me was starting to implode on me.

Maybe, this was a good thing? If I am unconscious, the beast within will be as well.

Yet, there has to be a way to stop this madness spell. Surely, I will wake again and revert to what the monster desires me to do. But if there is a way, we can return to stopping the Akuma.

I do not know if anyone else would be able to stop the monster unless they have my miraculous. That shall be the plan to resort to if it becomes dire enough. Someone on the team will temporarily use my magical earrings to defeat the Akuma.

For now, we have to try getting rid of this evil possession from my body.

So...what is the cure for hate?

My mind was beginning to fail me, growing harder to think. The pain did not help. I could tell I was getting close to passing out but I have to tell Bunnyx the plans. If only I could think of the main plan but I do not know the answer.

"Wait..." I thought, "That is it! The cure for hate...is...is..."

"B-Bunnyx," I started, "Get...get Chat..."

And if this plan fails, I trust they will come up with a plan to save the day. I truly believe they will prevail without my assistance. They have done it before and they can do it again.

Bunnyx seemed to be reading me for a moment but gave me a firm nod in agreement. It was enough of an answer for me to finally pass out into with world of unconsciousness.


Chat Noir's P.O.V

"Have you seen, Ladybug or Bunnyx?" I asked Polymouse. This battle was getting tiring with just the two of us.

   With Carapace and Rena out of the battle, Pegasus and Vesperia guarding headquarters, and the disappearance of Ladybug and Bunnyx, it was a struggling fight. I do not know how much longer Polymouse and I can handle this.

"I have not," Polymouse answered, "I do hope they are okay and not in any sort of trouble. We are already scarce on heroes as is and this villain is quite the menace."

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