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Ladybug's P.O.V

I managed to sneak out the back with a cookie and quickly transform. My attempt to pursue the intruder was feeble, no trace of the criminal left behind. Dishearteningly, I began my voyage towards the guardian's whereabouts.

I am still in disbelief that this old master is trusting me with where him and miraculous heroes dwell. A huge step and an even bigger risk. I need to let them know that they can trust me...yet, it is going to look very bad on my end for being so late.

   I pause on a rooftop and open my yo-yo, revealing the compass Tikki promised me. The instrument pointed slightly northwest in the direction of...

   "Is this thing damaged? There is no possible way such an elite team is living in the poor side of Paris," I thought, shaking the spotted weapon to see if the direction changes. Yet, the compass merely reset itself in the exact direction it last pointed. I hummed, my curiosity rising with every moment. I closed the yo-yo and continued on the path given.

   "I suppose it would make an excellent hideout but it will put many innocent people in danger," I thought, regarding the lesser fortunate civilians, "There is a very thin line between the rich and poor. Any sort of disagreement could set off a war but the only winner will be Hawkmoth."

   A war would bring chaos and misery, enough for Hawkmoth to create an army of monsters to rein terror over Paris. I hope that day may never come or at least, stop it from ever arriving. I have heard many innocent people dying from all around the city from Akuma attacks. Yet, everyone blames one another for someone else's misdeeds.

It is like a pointless argument where neither has done wrong. The main cause being an outer party's fault.

I wish to unite Paris without any status or misunderstandings. Everyone is equal in my eyes. So, I suppose if an elite team of heroes are hiding in the poor section, who am I to speak so ill about it. It has been working for the miraculous rebels so far.

I landed in front of the barbed fence separating Paris. I know there is a gate somewhere but it will be heavily guarded by some high-standard guards recruited by the mayor—Chloe's dad. I rolled my eyes at the mere thought of Andre Bourgeois. He is not someone I would deem as a worthy mayor but I suppose he is better than the tyrant that last ruled the land.

I easily jumped the fence and landed on a rickety roof made of old boards. A grimace formed on my face before checking the compass once again. I carefully leaped from building to building, following to direction of the arrow.

"I wonder how I will know if I have arrived?" I wondering in my mind, not paying much attention to my next jump. My foot landed on a weak point of a rotted board, creating a hole which my left leg fell into. I gasped, having a heart attack for a split second before realizing my leg is stuck.

"Well, I seem to be in a...situation," I murmured to myself. I do not want to break any more of the roof than I already have. Maybe, I can use my Lucky Charm or-

"In my many years as a holder, this is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen."

I shot my gaze over my shoulder, meeting eyes with the super heroine, Rena Rouge. She is squatting down on the tippy top of the roof with an amused grin on her lips. I felt my face flush in embarrassment. I must look quite dimwittedly unprofessional in this predicament I have placed myself in.

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