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A/N - Sorry for the long delay, here's some more plot coming your way!

Warnings: Dead animal.


Star knew they were in trouble and that their intentions would come to fruition soon if she- no they didn't stop them but as the hunger fought her resistance she was all but powerless in the end. The boys had left her at the boardwalk to her own devices as they disappeared like usual but she could tell something wasn't quite right. Not that it ever was with them, that she could say now. It was all laid out for her before her eyes and she had been naive and desperate enough to ignore it all in the beginning.

Now as she weaved in-between people, some innocent and some blatantly not, she saw how easy it would be to do as they asked. She chewed her lip, biting at the soft skin inside as she fought her enhanced senses. Ultimately deciding she would need to go someplace quiet, someplace with no temptation. Walking without shoes had been her preference growing up, living with relaxed family rules- in other words sheer neglect with her parent not caring about the needs of their children. Soles were worn and calloused as she made it to softer sand, ignoring the jeers from a stranger or two as she descended the stairs with her usual calm grace.

The salt of the water flooded her sensitive nose and the breeze played with her wild curls as she did the only thing she could do, sit and distract herself.

The human mind can only take so much before it succumbs. She remembers David musing each time she ran to her room in tears and hungry. They had become so twisted since they had revealed what they were- what she now was. Paul was the only one she could safely say was the least cruel, despite his nightly hunger.

Now her actions, whilst not directly influential had caused them to focus their sights on two other members. Michael. Part of her didn't understand why they were so quick to turn the boy, the one she had grown close to. Very close. “Oh Michael.” She sighed, watching the close by waters approach only to slowly wash back into the body of cold water. But she did know. The threats and the compliance, he was their insurance. It was all in a bid to  get close to Roxanne, she knew that much from the way they spoke about her and just why they would bother going to so much effort, let alone the way they acted around her. It seemed like too much of an act to be faked, but then again Star had been fooled by a similar trick.

Her fingers played with the sand, scraping into the granulated surface, drawing patterns and rubbing the grains in-between her finger tips. If she could just run away, like before and find her freedom, skip town and be strong enough... But Star was not as strong nor naive enough to know she wouldn’t be hunted nor would she be completely free from her entanglement.

And in her place, she would be leaving two half vampires, potential vampires. Michael comforted her so nicely, understanding and shared the same beliefs as her, in not wanting to go through with this, but could she really say he would never? Roxanne, too. Star hardly even knew the girl but from what she heard and saw, she knew they had something planned for her.

There was whimpering nearby, soft and sorrowful, breaking her from her own mind. Normal people, humans wouldn’t have been able to pick up on it but Star wasn't just any normal human. The light glow of beachside bonfires were scattered but didn’t provide enough of a glow to illuminate the whole beach nor did the bright lights of the amusement park.

Another soft sniffle got her attention and her hair whipped over her shoulder as her brown eyes scanned the pillars and stretch of sand behind her. She soon found the source of the sad cries. Just under the boardwalk, where the footpath above darkened the space, she could make out a small figure huddled up in a small blanket. A child.

Star's heart wept for the innocent soul. It wasn’t safe out here especially after dark. Her hands sat in her lap as she thought it over. If she could help she would but she was limited to handing the kid over to the security guard and hoping that the police would be called. Maybe their parents were looking for them? Most of the missing children were often due to the parents not watching them, or worse. Then she noticed the torn material atop shaking shoulders. Her mood lowered, what if they weren't looking?

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