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Publish date - 11th November
Edit date - 28th January 2021

Warning: Mind play/influence.


Roxanne had woken up to an empty bed, Sam was always an early riser and anywhere Sam went Nanook wanted to follow. With a yawn and a sigh, Roxamme got out of bed, stretching slowly before deciding to get some breakfast downstairs. Roxanne grabbed a quick breakfast of cereal and a green tea. Sipping softly, the kitchen was always a little quiet it seemed. All of the family was used to having breakfast fairly early aside from Roxanne and occasionally Michael. Speaking of, Michael had walked into the kitchen looking restless as ever, finger brushing his unruly brown curls and wearing his old gym joggies and an old baggy tank top. "Hey Mikey, Looking a bit rough there. Did you sleep alright?" Roxanne said. Michael took the seat next to Roxanne after fixing a bowl of cereal "I don't look that bad do I?" Michael asked smiling teasingly. Roxanne took her empty bowl and mug to the sink "of course not dummy, we are all just getting used to our new surroundings, kinda wished you were able to join me and Sammy last night." Roxanne said. Michael had known she craved some time with her brothers. It had always been like that ever since she broke up with her ex Mark. Michael watched Roxanne flutter about the kitchen, cleaning her dishes and wipping the table down. "Hey Roxy, I'll try and join you guys next time, one condition however I get to laugh at you and Sammy wearing those ridiculous face masks." Michael said avoiding Roxannes teasing glare in his direction. "Sure thing Mikey!" Roxanne said with a hopeful tone. Michael smiled at his sister "Roxanne, next time you feel like a sibling sleepover let me know." Roxanne smiled at her dishevelled brother before deciding to start her late morning routine.

Roxanne jogged up the cold stairs to the her small room, the brief chill of her air conditioned room made her felt grateful for the connected bathroom she had. 'I should pick out the clothes before I go for a shower, it's too cold in here.' Roxanne thought to herself before picking up a pair of socks, comfy underwear and her nice black bra before deciding on a pair of ripped denim jeans, a crochet black crop top and an old long red flannel for warmth.

She turned the shower on and waited for the warm water to create steam. Roxanne got into the warm steamy water, carefully washed and moisturised her curly hair. An exfoliating lofa was used to scrub her body with her favourite vanilla and cinnamon body wash before she quickly shaved her areas as needed.

Feeling fresh, Roxanne dried off carefully before using a body moisturizer to compliment her body wash. It was the smells and fresh feeling that relaxed Roxanne, she had never been one to try getting massages when it was the simplest things that she found relaxing. 'I wonder if Sammy or Michael would like to go to the boardwalk whilst it's nice and sunny.' She thought.

Roxanne quickly threw on her clothes, deciding not to wear the bra as the crop top she picked offered enough support for her breasts. She had always been happy with her breasts having lost lots of weight, they of course went down a size in her D cup. That's the way it was but at least now she was healthier. She remembered the days when she would not want to look in the mirror let alone have the courage to get her belly done.

Roxanne changed her belly bar in favour for one with a dangling mermaid gem. A previous birthday gift from Michael, who despite teasing her about her old obsession with mermaids when she was younger, had thought it would like nice on her.

Roxanne had asked Michael who said he wanted to stay in today and rearrange his room thus Sam was the only one wanting to go with her. Grabbing a small bag to put her purse, sunglasses, mini body spray and water bottle. Roxanne met Sam in the warm sunny porch. Sam was wearing his usual unique ensemble, a yellow patterned shirt on top of a blue shirt. "Ready to go sis?" Sammy asked happily, he sure was perky today for someone who hadn't wanted to move in the first place. Roxanne didn't bother to lock the door as she and Sam left the house, figuring that if Michael was in and Grandpa was returning later in the afternoon anyways, it would be okay.

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