Rest In Peace Joel Schumacher

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BORN 29th August 1939
DIED 22nd June 2020

The father/director of:

The lost boys (1987)
St Elmos Fire (1985)
Batman Forever (1995)
Falling down (1993)
A Time to Kill (1996)
Flat liners (1990)
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
The Client (1994)

& countless others.

This man is the reason I am writing for the Lost boys because without Joel Schumacher we would never have gotten the masterpiece that was released in 1987. The world wouldn't have been blessed with the movies he directed/helped direct. To hear that he lost his ongoing battle with cancer makes me very sad. It is however heartwarming to hear what the actors and actresses are saying about him as a person and to hear how dedicated he was to film.

Rest in peace

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