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A/N - A little treat for you all, an early chapter!

Edited: 14th February 2021


The ride back home had been welcomed, the fresh air flowing through her messy hair. The freedom was short lived and with that the cold comfort of home approaching. Waiting for the two teens was Lucy, they could tell right away that she was not happy. Sitting on the porch, their mother was nursing a coffee in her arms, her light brows pulled into a frown once she spotted them approaching, anxiety bubbled up in Roxanne stomach as they both walked up to the porch.

"Where have you two been?" Lucy stood abruptly from the porch chair. Worry and anger in her tone as she marched towards them.

Lucy didn't even let them explain as she went off on them. As much as Roxanne wasn't having a good time, she knew they deserved it. She didn't want to imagine the worry she would have been put through.

"I'm dissappointed with the both of you, especially you Roxanne! You are both meant to be responsible around here and Michael you need to get your act together before school starts up, don't forget Sam was left by himself yesterday." Lucy had all but calmly reminded them.

Roxanne let her eyes drop to her shoes. She hadn't meant to be out all night but here she was. Michael didn't look too bothered by their mother's scalding as she did. His posture was tensed but not out of discomfort, she noticed his feet tapping slightly a little tick he did when he was either nervous or just wanted to be away. It was something she always noticed him doing, more so when dad used to give him into trouble.

"Oh mum, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to be away the whole night, we were... both at a new friend's house and we had intended to come home early but Michael didn't feel well and they didn't have a phone." She felt bad for lying, Michael be damned. From the tired look on his face, she guessed he would try and resolve this later.

As much as she wanted to drag him off to her room for a yelling that should have been done as soon as they left, she needed Lucy to believe her. If she had told the truth, the house being a cave, 'friends' being four strange boys and not to mention the drugs and alcohol laying around. They would both be forfeiting their freedom and worrying their mother more. Besides all of her reasoning, she needed time to think about what happened and figured giving Michael a few hours to reflect would make it all go down better.

"I hope you are not lying to me young lady; I was worried sick." Lucy finally brought her in for a hug. She really had been worried, at the corner of the small porch table by the chairs was a crumpled-up note and the telephone, the spiral wire connecting through the slightly open window.

"I'm sorry mom, it won't happen again," She had meant it and despite Michael's small apology after hers, she still felt incredibly bad for upsetting her. Roxanne was a big girl but she just wanted to hug the life out of her mom when she saw the crumpled up note she left and the phone.

"It had better not, next time you're out at least find a phone or insist they take you home. Now come inside, the both of you! It's a cold night." Lucy released her and couldn't keep the small smile of relief off her face. It made her feel worse seeing her look relieved they were back. Even back with their dad, she had never smiled in relief when one of them stayed out for the night. Maybe it was the new surroundings and talk of the supposed murder capital that had set her off.

They both awkwardly made their way inside after Lucy. It felt better now that they had dealt with their mother first and let them relax now that they were finally back home.


For the past week, Roxanne was glad to be in the house. All her worries about the boys had faded into a dark corner in her mind. It was embarrassing what happened and she didn't miss the dangerous stunts they had pulled even if Dwayne had claimed it had been Michael that didn't stop. Michael was never this reckless, at least back in Phoenix that was.

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