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A/N - Wanted to include some more interactions with the boys and Max ❤❤❤

Edited: 14th February 2021


Max's video store, a small yet fairly frequented business staple of the boardwalk, people of all ages flocking in and out to rent their form of entertainment and to catch the free trailers of the upcoming hits of the month displayed on those obnoxiously fun display TV's. Currently the hit movie playing over and over again was a little romance piece with a lot of dancing and a one Patrick Swayze.

The boardwalk was not much other than a sentient buffet for the undead but even those with even a little concealed inhumanity knew not to overstep in the vampire's territory never mind walking into the boardwalks only video store and right into the hands of the vampire who owned it. The unlucky few who did, often ended up sharing space on the missing board.

The four boys smirked xockily as they strutted right on in, Marko waving at the growling white dog in a teasing manner. It was no secret that they enjoyed hassling people and especially annoying the video store owner. By the way they were looking around and playing with whatever was in their vicinity, it was as if they owned the place. Something Max, the real owner didn't take too kindly to.

"I thought I told you not to come in here." Max's stern voice directed straight at the four from the front counter. All this did was send the boys into a fit of amusement. The eldest, David dropped his smirk over so slightly. Making direct eye contact with the owner. 'We need to talk, in private.' As if this little tid bit would forgive their appearance and Marko's taunting of the overprotective hellhound.

A slight nod of his head had Thorne's growls calming into a silence yet his gaze remained on the four. With the few customers now preoccupied with browsing the latest section, he had Maria take over the desk. 'Very well.'

The boys knew what this meant, making their way past the counter and into Max's self-entitled office. Normally they would have thrown the young counter clerk a flirty gesture or even a flattering comment from the two easy going blonds. It was no lie, she was pretty by Santa Carla standards with her just perfect curls, supple sun kissed skin no doubt from days spent on the beach and her flirtatious smile. However, she wasn't for them and admittedly to them it didn't feel right anymore. The changes hadn't bothered Dwayne and David too much due to their nonchalant behaviour towards their prey. It was Paul and Marko who were the self-proclaimed bachelors of the group and the changes had been difficult since finding their love. Now when they attempted to hit on their prey, a horrible cold feeling washed over their bodies and it was annoying and uncomfortable feeling that could only be rid of by the thought of Roxanne or the riddance of the one they hit on.

At first nothing had happened but once they saw her walking by, they felt as if their hearts began beating again and had an uncomfortable itch to follow. They were glad they had, regardless of how hard they came onto her but they had her in their lives now. The hard parts just needed to be pushed into place and then they would all have her fully. The thought of having her to themselves brought a sense of calm and victory over the group.


The stale cream paint decorating the four walls, was not particularly warm or inviting at least not as warm and inviting as Max felt about their discussion. On the inside he was dying to know about their progress and to be kept in the loop. His thick dorky glasses hid his prying eyes but the open body posture had given him away.

David took the small black couch while Paul and Marko leaned against the walls to his left by the window. Dwayne had sat directly on the arm rest, leaning back against the wall. They were attentive to a degree but it was clear who would be doing the talking. They had places to be and people to eat and this was the only obstacle in their way, treating it as such was normal for them.

Max stood to sit at the edge of the front of his desk, mimicking that of a father giving his children a talk. Only Max was hopeless and in over his head to take up that role, but despite his coldness, there was a part of him that still treated them like they were under his wing.

Without wasting another minute, David leaned back and kept his tone neutral, there was no sense in dragging this out further. "Michael is wrapped around our finger but Star is becoming a problem." David was blunt as he outlined the problem, knowing full well he was endangering Star by telling him this. Max never was one for disobedience.

Max's calmness disappeared as fast as it came, raising his eyebrow I'm confusion."A problem?" He asked, letting David go on.

"She is trying to use Roxanne as leverage to keep Michael and become human again."

"Oh really?" Max didn't have to hide his surprise. It hadn't exactly been a secret to him that his daughter was being difficult but the thought of her disobeying them and by proxy him, had surprised him. Star had been submissive at the start and had been the perfect daughter to him until she found out their secret. From what the boys had said, she openly rejected their gift and refused to feed and now? It seemed she was less ideal than he thought. He always hated people that fought his gift.

"Paul caught her discussing plans with Michael about telling Roxanne what we are and escaping." David spat out the last part. There was no way in hell he would allow that wench of a sister to undo their plans. It was bad enough that she moped around the cave like a walking Edgar Allen Poe poem, but for her to interfere like this was unforgivable. When it came to Roxanne, he wasn't going to allow anyone to get to her, not when they waited this long.

"Yeah, I quickly shot her down but it took a few mental games to keep them both at bay." Paul spoke up, fiddling with his bracelets.

"Well boys, you can't let them think about escaping and as much as I do not want to meddle with how you handle your mate, you have my permission to deal with them." The four boys' eyes lit up at that, especially Marko's. The curly blond had grown to dislike the curly haired girl they were forced to live with. Chewing his lips, he had to keep his thoughts at bay on what he wanted to do to her, knowing he would be sent to cool off. Max's permission often came with hidden restrictions after all and although he said 'deal with' they knew he was meaning anything but death or anything too severe, just enough to teach her a lesson.

"But if push comes to shove you may kill Star if she interferes further but until then, I need to make my move." Now they were shocked. Never in the years they had dealt with Max was he willing to let them kill her. It rendered them mentally speechless at the idea he was entertaining but they didn't dare say anything else. His permission was more than enough to show how much he wanted this new family.

The boys had tried not to roll their eyes at the woman he was referring too. They did not want nor need a mother in their lives, hell they didn't want the subdued and soft Michael as a brother either. Currently it was only Roxanne they were interested in keeping around.

"I'll let you see yourselves out." Their sire ordered, finishing their talk for them. Both sides were just as eager to leave as the other it seemed.

"Oh and boys. No more bonfire killings until I say." It was matter of fact as Max pushed up his over sized glasses. Glasses used to keep up his feeble human appearance.

"Why?" David had asked, it wasn't everyday Max forbid them from hunting in certain areas.

"There are cops snooping around now, with talks of monitoring the beach at night." For once their sire was useful for them other than helping protect their collective feeding ground. With nods, the four left smirking at the flirty smiles some of the local chow had been brave enough to give them.

The night truly came alive now that they were free to do what they wanted, of course within reason. Paul wandered off, dragging Marko to scope out potential food for the night, only to spot a group of drunk men. Marko wrinkled his nose at the smell of them before nudging Paul. 'Easy dinner for the taking dude.' The tall blond said before letting David and Dwayne know dinner was secured. They couldn't afford to be picky with bonfire feedings being off the table and they were in no rush to get that horrible cold feeling if they went for the opposite sex, pulling people in was much harder now that they couldn't flirt without feeling submerged in icy waters.

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