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A/N - A part of the movie is coming up next chapter, I did warn you all this is a slow burn but expect a good bomb drop within the next 13 - 15 chapters ❤❤❤

Edited: 14th February 2021


"Yeah what are we chopped, liver?" Marko teased her and she groaned at the implication. Why did they all have to show up just now? She thought. It was like they were waiting for her, but that would be egotistical for her to entertain but something she wouldn't put past them considering the other strange coincidences she had with them. Roxanne couldn't shake the feeling that this hadn't been a coincidence.

"Marko dude leave it, she has to take her brother home." Paul's tone lacked the playful air in it. Roxanne felt a little bad just a little at how much he really looked like he wanted to hang with her. Almost but she doubted he wouldn't want to try anything if she did. The only ones she knew wouldn't be so open would be Dwayne and .. hell David but they were still rather intimidating and David from what she noticed was a bit of an ass. Michael had mentioned it to her in passing that he didn't like him, only putting up with the gang because he really liked Star.

David eyed her with the hint of a smirk on his face as he rested against the brick nonchalantly. Dully noting how he seemed so calm and sure of himself. It amazed her how calm he was whenever she saw him despite how he always had a way of making her nervous.

His persona screamed in charge so much that passerby's seemed to walk in a circle like formation around the boys as opposed to getting in their way or god forbid touch one of them. Roxanne knew the locals here didn't care for personal space and like it or not this place was a crime spot. The spray painted message "Murder Capitol of the World" reminded her of that. Perhaps they got into trouble but judging by their appearances, she could guess why no one was really eager to piss them off.

"Oh really? Why don't you let us give you both a ride home?" David offered but it didn't quite sound like an offer. Roxanne ran her tongue against her teeth and prepared to decline but a nagging part in the back of her brain wanted her to go with them. The ride itself would mean being around them a little longer and she didnt know why she wanted to prolong it. They were attractive, almsot ethereal levels of attractive but she hardly knew them. It would be childish to have crush so soon but the growing pull she was feeling, only seemed to make her think that was what it was.

It had been annoying and only started throbbing after that night at the cave. A little thing like that shouldn't bother her that much but it did and like it or not it was destroying her resolve.

Paul joined Marko's side and began their little roughhousing as she considered it. Paul tried to pull Marko into a headlock to deliver a noogie to his precious curls but was thwarted when the shorter ducked and pushed him into the brick wall with a laugh.

They were a wild bunch but with Paul's lift earlier, she was beginning to think there was more to them than what she saw.

Roxanne couldn't take the stares she was getting from David and Dwayne. Why did they have to be so intense? A strange sensation claws up her back and the question still hung in the air.

Roxanne found herself caving in to them before she knew why. The words tumbled from her mouth and before she could stop herself, or did she want to stop herself?

"Well, alright but I choose who it is because I don't trust all of you to drive safe and not make Sam shit himself." They mentally took note of the younger sibling's name. Aside from remembering it for the future, he would also become his younger brother whether they liked it or not.

David smirked and pushed off the wall. There was that piercing gaze again but only this time it made her feel like she made a good choice. There it was again, the feeling she got when she did something right as it wasn't just the little warmth in his cold blue eyes.

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