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A/N - Sorry for the later update, going to try and update atleast once or twice a month, maybe more if the words come easier and that's with the half written drafts I have for later chapters 😳❤❤❤

I can promise this won't completely follow the canon timeline ...

Edited - 14th February 2021


Roxanne guzzled down some warm tea in the kitchen as Michael stood opposite of her by the sink. The once warm light of the kitchen almost felt exposingly bright. It had taken longer than she thought to explain why she let them drive her back, well her and Sam. Sam hadn't been too thrilled about the revelation on how they were getting back earlier although from the trip back, he did seem to look like he was having fun. Michael's frown lessened when he learned they didn't take no for an answer. Roxanne's eyes were down turned as she explained how pushy they were being, especially Paul, God were they talkers. She almost felt as if she was being told off again in thr classroom, but she understood what with the previous incident why it was a big deal.

It made Michael feel like crap because if he knew they would have done that and really tried to scare them by pushing the bad elements onto their walk, he would have gunned down the drive to go get them himself but then again there had been a bit of distance between the siblings. Some admittedly unintentionally with Sam's new friends and some sort of intentional with the dirty little secret Michael had been forced to keep. He blamed himself for this situation, deep down he really did.

As much as he didn't like it, Michael wasn't there for them like he should've been. The only admission of guilt on his end was his droopy arms and softening blue-grey eyes.

"Fuck, I don't like those guys Roxy." Michael shook his head but she could sense it wasn't just disapproval in his eyes. If she hadn't been rattled so deeply she might have pressed him on it. The boys were bad, maybe shameless flirts as well but she wanted to know why Michael didn't like them specifically although she could guess why David had been in his bad books.

"I know Michael, trust me I know." She sat her mug down and sighed. What was once a lonely night became overcrowded, she didn't want this.

"If you ever need a lift anywhere, check in with me okay?" Michael watched her clean and dry almost mechanically. It was uncomfortable and too cold.

It was as if they both knew how weak the offer was, they were both busy and hardly had time for each other. It only further cemented the strange dynamic they had going on. Still, Roxanne nodded as she placed her washed mug on the drying mat. "I will do Mikey." She tried to soften the air and with a yawn and a stretch, she padded out of the kitchen, stopping briefly in the doorway, just by where Michael had moved to.

"Night Michael." Roxanne squeezed his shoulder one more time before letting go. Her smile was soft and sleepy, reminding him of the much needed sleep he had been needing lately. Things had been strange.

"Night sis." Michael replied and gave her a tired smile in return. It seemed there had been enough excitement for one day in the Emerson household.


The next day had went off without a hitch, for once Roxanne woke up relatively early than she was used to. It had been half 1 by the time she had washed up and had some breakfast. To her delight she had gotten to see her mother for breakfas- well late lunch and caught up with her. Max had been giving her additional shifts which Lucy had been gratefully accepting. Another thing that wasn't so much of a worry now was money. It really seemed as if the move had started going uphill rather than downhill with their luck.

Roxanne reclined back on her bed, crochet hook in hand and fuzzy ball of red in the other. Currently she was finishing off a lacy headband but the time she estimated had extended further and further. The small TV had been placed before the end of the bed, displaying Spaceballs, it was goofy but did the job of having her in a good mood. It distracted her from her brother shenanigans all day round, or really, from the strange discomfort that had been aching in her lower stomach. Roxanne had a good idea of what the annoying feeling light just be and she groaned hoping that it hadn't come early this month.

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