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A/N - Okay so stupid Microsoft word deleted both documents where I typed this up and I only managed to recover one, so the next part is being typed up from memory as we speak. 🙃🙃

I might reword this later once I reread tomorrow but I wanted to update this now so here you all go, let me know what you think

Edited: 14th February - 2021


Roxanne tossed and turned into the sheets, fighting imaginary faces and dreams of strange places. Her name was echoed throughout her sleepy struggling and pained whispers. First a feminine voice 'Roxanne.' The errie yet soft voice made her feel safe like a mother's embrace. Then it was joined by a pained croak and a gurgle. With the last dying whisper, a stern male voice cried out her name, it was filled with anguish, rage and denial 'Roxanne!'

Jolting up with a start, her eyes flew open. Before her sat an empty cave and to her relief no bloodied figure was standing before her. It had all been a dream, she thought. The beat of her heart was frantic and put her in a state of mild stress. Nothing had physically happened to her but she felt as if something horrible had happened. She was fine, it was just a dream, a horrible and twisted dream.

Wanting to laugh didn't overpower her grueling headache, banging like a beginner orchestra in her head. Whincing, she pulled the sheets over her eyes once more and kept the painfully bright light at bay. The pounding in her head was killer, a consequence of the bright rays of sun and what she would liken to a hangover but worse. Her hands massaged her temples, rubbing little light circles in an effort to reduce the dull ache. When she tried to think back to last night, she couldn't recall having alcohol, sure maybe a joint or two which she had been stupid enough to smoke. Other than that, she should feel fine.

The details were blurry, that was for sure. Currently her headache wasn't helping too much but she powered through.

The embarrassing events flashed through her mind in little pained snippets. It hurt to try and remember, but from what she did, she couldn't possibly face the boys again. She vividly remembered that they offered her a drink in a fancy bottle. She ended up having some because of Paul offering her? and then she had this weird trip and saw some weird hippie dippy trippy shit. Stuff their mom could probably give advice on from her old acid trip days. Her cheeks reddened full blast once the kissing popped up, remembering exactly how she drank. The memory of her not wanting to drink had stuck out to her and then the blonds lips and tongue slithering around her mouth with something tangy. Gasping, she had kissed Marko and let Paul go to town, this wasn't really like her at all. It was crazy and even crazier that she had let it happen. What made her more anxious was that she could still feel the rough skin of their chapped lips on hers. Bringing her hands to her lips, she didn't know whether to wipe her mouth or to let the sensation go away ever so slowly by itself. It hadn't been a bad kiss from either although Paul was the most handsy as she remembered, but she didn't understand why she didn't pull back as soon as it happened.

From her behaviour towards them, the subtle hint of wanting to kiss someone wasn't there either or was it? She honestly didnt remember well enough and guessed it would not have helped that she was high as a kite. A sudden coldness washed over her at the thought, like slowly being dropped into cold water.

Sweat lightly coated her forehead causing stray curls to stick to her skin. Her fingers begrudgingly left the softness of the sheets to reach up and brush the strands away from her face.

All she wanted to do at this point was go home. The thick summer heat permeated the cave like the easy bake oven her dad once bought her for her 9th birthday. The light rays beaming down through cracks in the ceiling, bathed the cave in a dull light, indicating that it was later on in the afternoon. Her eyes darted around the cave to see if maybe anyone was sleeping near her or up like most people should be but she didn't see anyone. Michael of all people should have stuck by her atleast but there was no sign of her elder brother hanging around. 'Michael, of all the times to leave me, why now?'

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