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Maggie Finnegan (being of hardly sound mind, and very tired body) is proud to present; ALL I AM!

Oh please, you didn't really think that was the end, did you?

Ta-dah! Come on, I could never leave you guys on such a cliffhanger! That would be far too cruel of me! I am very happy to announce that the sequel of All I Have, entitled All I Am, is currently under construction! I'm so excited to share the story with you guys, I have loved telling the story of Marzia and her family, and Asher and everything that comes along with that boy! I cannot wait to keep their story going!

I've got everything all planned out, there's going to be roughly 23 chapters, the same as the first book (so hopefully about the same length) and I've already written a few of the chapters! I'm graduating college in a few months (oh god, even more hopefully!) and then I'll have some spare time and I'm really going to get into it to have it so close to finished soonish after! So unfortunately, there is going to be a little bit of a wait until All I Am is released, but just knowing that you guys can't wait to read it, and loving every word I'm writing is such an inspiration!

I honestly was writing a few nights ago and could truly imagine the comments you'd leave, which bits would make you sad, which bits you'd think were funny! It's the best writing the second book knowing that there's people out there that love these characters just as much as I do!

I want to give a couple of quick shoutouts, to people who have been excellent at keeping this secret for me;

Firstly; @CarolineWestwick010 - Caroline has been holding on to this secret for me for AGES! She knew pretty much right from the beginning that there was always going to be a sequel and she's been messaging me almost every day to ask how the new book is going and when it's going to be announced so that she can fangirl with everyone else over it! She's also been excellent at commenting, and managing not to let anything slip, so I can't thank you enough Care!

Secondly; I also may have accidentally let the sequel slip to @_BasicAli_ when I was gushing about how much I love writing the book and sharing it with you guys! She swore herself to secrecy for me, and I'm very grateful for her friendship, support and her excellent ability to keep a secret!

And thirdly; @Wild_selenophile who has been the only person to ask me why the front cover of All I Have includes the little note, 'The All Series!' You've got a keen eye and a very intuitive mind, and figured it all out! I'm sure there are more of you that noticed, but I had to really keep my mouth shut!

I have wanted to tell EVERY PERSON who has commented asking about a sequel that you're right, but ugh I wanted to keep it a secret until I could properly announce it! I'd love to hear what you guys think might happen in the sequel, and maybe I'll be able to confirm or deny some of your suspicions! Feel free to leave them here and I'll love looking at them!

Also, I've spent all week writing (and all of today editing and ignoring college work), a little one-shot to release with this announcement, but I ended up not really liking how it came out! I ended up um-ing and ah-ing about it all day, and ultimately decided that I didn't want to put something out that I wasn't happy with!

HOWEVER; I loved writing the little one-shot, and if you guys wanted a few releasing in the period between books, I'd be more than happy to write some just to keep Marzia alive! If you have any ideas for little one-shots you'd like to see, then leave me a comment just here, and I'll maybe surprise you with some over the months!

Also what do you think to the front cover? It's got a slight potential to change but I think for now, I'm super happy with the way it looks!

And finally, because I always ramble; feel free to ask me any questions about the book over here (preferably nothing about the future because I am sworn to secrecy), but I have an UNBELIEVABLE amount of backstory to all of these characters, and I can answer any question that you might have! I know everyone's lives, their families, their homes, the country's ancestry, literally anything, so whatever you want to know, ask away!

So, just to sum up; ALL I AM is coming! You might have to be a tiny bit patient, but trust me, it's coming! Our characters are in for a wild ride, and I'm so excited to share it with you!

AND REALLY FINALLY (because you all know I'm the absolute worst for never being able to shut up!) I just wanted to thank you all with my whole, entire little Grinch heart! I could never have anticipated the response that I've gotten when I first worked up the courage to publish those first three chapters! When I think about it a little too long, I honestly sometimes need a little cry! This past year has been super tough, on lots of people, and a little bit on me too. My saving grace, honestly and truly, has been coming on here to be surrounding by such wonderful people, saying such wonderful things and living Marzia's life with me. In between books, feel free to message me with questions, or ask me for one-shots, or just message me to say hello, because I genuinely count you completely as some really amazing friends!

Until we meet again (or very soon in comments or messages)! All my love,

- Maggie x

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