(25) Accident

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Zoey's POV

"Tyler is fine Jazz," bringing the steaming cup to my lips, I sip gingerly from the mug. "Please stop changing the subject woman. Do you want me to come over or not? I can book our tickets for the next available flight..."

"Please don't," she heaves a short sigh. "Johnathan decided to take the few weeks off plus Mom is always popping up here. I should be in good hands,"

I set down the hot mug on the office desk, snatching up a sheet of napkin I wipe the greasy remains of a club sandwich from my fingers. "Great but if you ever change your mind I can--"

"It's fine, I am fine." Jazzlyn cuts me off. "I promise. I am just a little antsy because of this due date. I feel like I'm going to pop any minute."

"Oh please do so I can meet my little angel," I joke, balling up the empty wrapper and napkin I drop them in the wastebasket. "Still thinking about the at home delivery?"

"Johnathan had the guy sanitized our bathtub the other day, we set up all the towels and everything in the caninets but I am rethinking it, especially with the date so near. I don't know, I just..." she pauses for a brief moment allowing me to hear the cartoon playing in the background. "I don't want anything to go wrong, there's a fifty fifty chance---"

"Jazz don't do that to yourself." Sighing I reach over power on the computer's monitor. "Both of you will be fine, stop talking crazy. Just let me know which so I can return those exotic "aromatic" oils and candles, mmmaybe even light a few."

"No," Jaz groans. "Hold on," there was a long pause before she jumps back on the line. "I have to go, I'll talk to you later. Zoey do NOT carry those bullshit candles into my home."

I chuckle. "You left them here last summer!"

"I had to hide them somewhere!" She exclaims before lowering her voice. "Jo insisted we keep them as souvenirs from our last vacation. I didn't, still don't, know how to tell him they reeks. Seaweed will be the death of that man," she chuckles. "I'll call you later okay? Love you."

"Sure, love you too." I end the call, heaving a short sigh I dump it in one of the drawers.

Whipping out my glasses I set them on my face as I turn my attention to the broad computer monitor.

A light knock sound at the door sometime later breaking my concentration from the excel document. Frowning I minimize the pages and gmail messages. "The door is open,"

"Another flower delivery..." Allison pokes her head through the threshold of my office. Removing the test glasses from my face I set them down on the keyboard, tearing my eyes from the computer I give the assistant my undivided attention.

"Oh," pushing out the office chair I rise to my feet. "You can put them somewhere... uh by the water cooler,"

"Secret admirer?" Allison tease setting down the fresh bouquet on the coffee table. "Been getting them almost every hour now,"

"Hardly," I chuckle remembering Ethan's last text message from a few days ago prompting for a second date.

"Well they are lovely," she comments, I nod my head in agreement. Un-twisting the wire from the paper of flowers, I gather them in my hands to drop alongside the previous batch. "Oh before I forget, this is totally unwork related but some of ladies are grabbing drinks after work. We were wondering if you would like to join us." She heaves a short sigh. "I know I know I told you them I would ask first, we understand if you're not able to though."

"It's Monday," I chuckle motioning for her to follow me to my desk. "Special plans?"

"No special discount," she replies before plopping down into one of the small sofas. "plus it gives me a reason to cancel on date number 237,"

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