(5) Crying and Walmart

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Zoey's POV

I paced my office bitting down hard on my lower lip. At this point I really don't care if it even bleeds. I'm a just a raw bundle of nerves right now. My hands bounced on my hips as I moved back and forth in the room.

I can't believe this.

I'm going to see Xavier again. The very same man that rejected us eight years ago. The man I loved so deeply. The man I trusted with my very own life.

I felt hot tears quickly sliding down my blushed cheeks. I immediately clamped a hand over my mouth hoping it will hold back the pent up sadness I hid away for so long.

No. I can not do this...

I'm still crying over the bastard after all this time.

I furiously wiped the falling tears on the back of my hand. I felt a sharp sting behind my eyes but I ignored it. I can't afford another drop of tears. Letting out a shaky breath I walked over to my desk. I grabbed up my bag and phone on the way out.

I heard the clicking of my own heels against the shiny tiled floor as I made my way to the elevator. I got in as soon as it reached my floor, pressing the button for the parking lot I went and stood in the back.

Leaning on the cool steel I waited patiently while the very few people in front of me got off on their stop. 

After what felt like an eternity I finally got to the underground parking lot. I stepped out digging in my purse for the car keys. Feeling the round plastic key ring I pulled it out walking over to parked Honda.

Deactivating the alarm I climbed in flinging my bag on the passenger seat. All my belongings spilled on the car carpet.

Just great...

That's when I really could not take it anymore. I had to let it all out... b-before it consumed me. I allowed the first real tear to fall, then another and another. Resting my head on the steering wheel I cried for what seems like hours.

If only my friends were here. If only Kat was here.

Everyone is miles away focusing on their own lives. Becca is off with her husband touring the world, last I heard they were in Australia. Kat is with her fiancé in New York pursuing her fashion career. Alexandra is a dentist in Idaho and I am here in California.

We still text via WhatsApp but sometimes I just need my girls here. I can definitely hear what Kat of eight years ago would say in this situation. A little smile tugged at my lips, she says the craziest things sometimes.

A ping came from the Iphone startling me. Wiping my now very sticky face on my hand I reached over and took it off the carpet. Dusting a little fur off the front, I looked at the pop-up notification. It's from Jaz.

I'm going back to the house. 

I sent a quick reply telling her where the keys were hidden and that I was on my way.

Reaching over I picked up all the stuff and threw them back in my bag making sure it's zipped this time before placing it back on the seat. Grabbing a few wipes I carefully wiped all the smudged makeup off my face and hands. 

I'm an awful crier.

Crumpling them up I stuffed it in the side of my bag. I checked in the rearview to see if I look decent before inserting the key and driving off.


I reached Tyler's school just in time, I observed killing the engine. Children started to pour of the classes and unto the flat grass in front of the driveway. They all stood talking or greeting their parents.

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