(6) An Opportunity?

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Zoey's POV

"What's wrong now?" I sighed turning around to face Jazylnn. I can literally feel her boring large holes in the back of my head.

Ever since I told her about the accident last night she hasn't stop looking at me weirdly. Like the time I told her I was secretly in love with Troy.

It didn't matter though 'cause she knew all along.

"Nothing," she lied covering half her face in a huge coffee mug. I gave her an incredious look, she drop the mug on the island rolling her eyes. "Fine. I just think this is an opportunity,"

"An opportunity? Opportunity to do what?" I asked sipping from my own cup. I'm totally lost to whatever she has cooking up in that big head of hers.

"To meet new people," she said in a duh tone. She rolled her blue eyes once more. "Maybe this was a final sign to get back out there. You've been out of the dating game for too long, when is the last time you had sex?!"

The last time I dated was around three years ago, it was definitely not worth it. However I am grateful 'cause it catapulted me into working hard and being successful which I am today. I guess those dreadful months was worth it after all. I am not prepared, or going to, bring another man around my child ever again.

"Please do not say the 's' word around here, Tyler might overhear us." She gave me a look but I moved on continuing with what I was saying. "Two: I do not want to meet men Jaz, my life's perfectly fine. That wasn't any sign, I almost got knocked the fuc- cazzo out, I had to drive myself to a damn hospital! Three: my other life is fine thank you very much,"

"Okay Mary," Jaz smiled widely at me putting her face back in the cup. She sipped her herbal baby tea thing. New mothers. "I'll leave it alone for now. I just think you should get some d that's all,"

"Please okay," I rolled my eyes at her getting up to throw away the rest of the cold tea, "I don't need a d in my life Jaz."

"What's a dee?" I nearly had a panic attack when I turned around and saw Lucas standing in our kitchen. His backpack was hauled up on his back, a blue lunch bag hung from his free hands.

Great Jazylnn...

"A dic-tionary Lu, I was telling aunty Jaz that I don't think I need another one in my office." I turned back to the sink hoping he won't probe for more answers. I quickly washed and rinsed the cup placing it on the counter to air dry.

"Okay aunty Zoey," he smiled brightly. "Where's ty? I was hoping to ride with you today. My parents are still out, I think they are coming back tomorrow."

"Of course," I walked to the fridge getting out a few fruity snack for Tyler. "He is up in his room,"

"Okay," he dashed off exiting the kitchen. I then heard light footsteps running upstairs.

"Seriously Jazz?!" I shook my head incrediously once I knew that the boys were safely out of hear shot. I went over to the counter to focus on packing my son's lunch.

"I'm sorry Zo," I heard her sigh. "I never meant for any of the kids to hear that. I just want to see you happy again,"

"I am," I admitted, "I may not have a man but I have a great son, job and family. That makes me happy,"

"I hear ya," I heard her say, "I'm glad you are,"


I looked over the finished spreadsheets my team and I have came up with. All the financial data was accurate, there were little expenses we would need to cover but that was all good and doable. Financially speaking, everything seemed good- great actually. Merging or going in any type of partnership with Xavier and Co Enterprises will be promising for the company and our targeted market.

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