(36) A Meeting and An Apology

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I couldn't get on here for a long period of time. Sorry.

Xavier's POV

"Look Xavier, as was said before we've been making our observations for months now..." Sinking further down in the plush office chair, I slowly tune out the man as my mind drifts back off to my family.

God, I feel like utter shit for leaving.

My heart aches so fucking badly being away from the pair. Being away from the boy and woman I've grown so fondly of... way more than I had imagined I would. Over the short space of time, they've truly become my entire world.

Heaving a low sigh, I avert my gaze from the well suited fools to the glass window. Rays of golden sunshine is already kissing the last of neighbouring building tops as darkness slowly blankets the bustling city.

Another day ending, same old problems.

A crippling feeling burrows through my heart at the thoughts swirling in my head over the past few hours.

I still haven't gotten a chance to explain to Tyler what had happened all those years ago. There is no real right or wrong way to tell the full truth but I guess I've been kinda holding on it. Just delaying the inevitable really. So much has been happening recently and with the new mansion, the board, my mom, Dasha and unresolved feelings for Zoey I've been spiraling a lot.

Lately I just want to chug a whole rum bottle or light a few cigars to block out everything. 

Hopefully this trip will clear my head so I can finally sort shit out.

"— exactly, we think this break is the best thing for the company." Another man, Luke, speaks up breaking me away from my murky thoughts.

Leaning up in the chair, I knit my fingers together and place them on the ebony coloured conference table. My cold gaze sweeps over the men's faces. Most of which holds a stoic expression while a few looks ashen. Regardless, all this fuckers are on the same team and it's perfectly clear they've all already come to a suitable conclusion.

This bullshit here is why I had to leave Cali earlier than I had anticipated yesterday.

"By break you mean being replaced." I let out a short humorless chuckle with a quick shake of my head in full disagreement. "No fucking way,"

"This is for the betterment of the company. The entire franchise. Your father would agree that----"

"Bullshit," I cut him off with an even voice. "Well he is not here is he? He is dead. Buried. Gone. This franchise was left in the capable hands of his sons. In my hands. As the head of this fucking company, it's my responsibility to build on this shit. I will never do or let anything affect us. Y'all know this. This is a waste of my God damn time."

Silence fills the room for a minute before another man, Ron, out of the lot speaks up. This shit has to be rehearsed, I swear. "You're spiraling again Xavier, we've seen a slight decline in our numbers. That merger that you've went out on a limb for is starting to become a real liability. Not to mention the recent, not so recent, scandals we have to cover up for your ass! Your problems, becomes the company's problems which in turn becomes ours."

I scoff shooting the man a glare. "I'm not stepping down,"

"You need a long break, it's imperative to this company that you do." A younger male of the bunch addresses me with a slight sigh. "We're not asking you to go into early retirement. It will only be for a year. 365 to recuperate----"

"My answer still stands." I quickly rise to my feet causing the chair to skid a little against the tiled floor behind me. "I am already on a fucking break and I can handle my own damn problems. Please do your worse,"

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