(8) Migraine and Years of Misunderstanding

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*Double update!
*Book one is fully edited now and in the Wattys!

Zoey's POV

I hissed at the sharp pain that jabbed at the side of my head. I gulped down more water hoping the painkillers will kick in soon. I rested my head on the chair rubbing my temples.

I swear I'm having the worst day not to mention I travel with migraine.

I slowly closed my eyes blocking out some of the brightness of the well-lit room. The place is so freaking bright, I don't even remember it been this bright. I propped my feet up trying to get even more comfortable on the swivel chair.

The family doctor I saw two days ago told me I would experience minor headaches here and there. She said if I felt like it was something serious I should come in for a second exam.

Might as well. I swear something is having a blast in my fucking head!

I laid in this position for God knows how long before my phone went off in the silent room.


I took my feet down drawing the chair closer to the desk. The pain subsided a bit but my head still felt like I was just hit in the back of my head with a baseball bat.

I quickly took up the phone and answered it barely looking at the caller ID.

"Good afternoon," I tried not to sigh in the phone.

"Good afternoon. This is Ms. Mattis Tyler's grade teacher," a voice came on.

I sat up straighter in my seat as she mention Ty. "Is he okay?"

"He is. He was apparently being a bit disruptive during a presentat-"

"What?" I asked incrediously. I placed my elbows on the table dropping one side of my face on my raised knuckles.

Tyler knows way better than that. He's a gifted child, a notch above the rest. He started trading his children books for literature ones at merely four. I always tell him not to be disrespectful or selfish or boastful towards anyone whether it is someone in authority or his companions. Speaking of which, he is still being tight-lipped about the conversation in the backseat and his weird request at Walmart on Monday.

"It's nothing to worry about Ms. Martinez," she said calmly. "I have a special guest here who wants to speak with you,"

I rubbed my face sighing lowly, I was honestly thinking of just calling it a day and go home to sleep off my headache. "Can't we talk over the phone?"

There was a short pause, "no. He'll like to speak with you in person,"


I hope this is for a good reason. I really don't have the time.

"Of course," I was already out of my seat. The sooner I get there the sooner I will be home. Maybe Jazylnn can drive the kids home today. "I'll be there soon,"


Half an hour later I pulled up to the elementary school. A lot of cars were littered the parking lot. Ridgewood Elementary always had the best career days with big shot celebrities and prominent people. To be fair though, I'm paying a handsome amount of money for his school fee.

Cutting the engine I got out leaving my purse on the passenger's seat.

Lawd, I really don't have the strength. I'm surprised I even made it here in one piece.

Making absolutely sure that the car was locked I walked around to the front of the building. I made my way inside and headed to where Tyler's home class is.

Ms. Mattis and a tall guy stood in the hallway talking. The man's broad back was turned to me so I had no visual on him. He was dressed in a nice tailored grey suit that hugged his muscular frame perfectly.

Damn imagine below his waist.

I mentally kicked myself. He seemed oddly familiar though, his stance was the first thing I picked up on. I probably saw him around before this is California after all, the hometown of the rich, fabulous and the most successful people you'll probably ever find on the face of this planet.

"Ah! there she is, Ms. Martinez!" Miss Mattis exclaimed as soon as she saw me.

"Ms. Mart-" the stranger quickly turned around. His face dropped immediately looking me over, I just stood looking back at him unable to move another inch.

What in the actual world?!

"I have to go check on the kids," Ms. Mattis excused herself already halfway through her classroom door.

"Is this some sick joke?!" I whisper-yell sometime later when I got over the shock of seeing Xavier standing in front of me in the actual flesh.

This has to be some sick joke.

I could not help running my eyes over his body. He was definitely way more handsome than before, his skin literally glowed in front of me. It was much clearer. A light beard coated his jaw highlighting his full pink lips. It's fascinating how all those years apart only enhanced his looks.

"I should be asking you that question," he huffed.

I can't believe I wasted all this time coming here. I could have been in bed.

I folded my arm across my chest resisting the urge to hiss at the sharp pains in the back of my head. The pills were working but barely. "Look Xavier, Mr. Danvers or whatever else you want to be called-"

"Is that my son in there?" He asked interrupting me. His emarald green eyes searched my face as he came closer. I subconsciously stepped back aware of his musky cologne that wafted to my sensitive nostrils. I casted my eyes to the ground not giving him an answer.

"So it is," he shook his head incrediously drawing his own conclusion, "I can't believe this shit!"

"You never wanted to be in our life so why are you so damn surprised?!" I tried not to shout since we're outside a classroom, his classroom. "You thought I would kill my own child?!"

"What the fuck?!" He gave me a weird look, "of course not! Look I didn't have much of a chance back then and don't give me that bullshit about not wanting either of you. I sent money and you return every cent, I called but you changed your number. What the fuck was I suppose to do?!"

"You had a choice!" I felt a sting in my eyes. "you always have a choice in everything! You were suppose to fight for us..."

"Look I-" his phone vibrated interrupted him. He hissed his teeth not even bothering to look at the caller ID. "I did everything I could to support you two but you just up and left without no explanation from me then months later you completely fell off the face of the earth. Not a day goes-" the phone interrupted him again. Sighing he looked down at the device in his palm.

He cursed under his breath, "we're not done here," he walked further down the hall answering the call.

"Hey baby," I heard him say in the device. My heart immediately shattered in a trillion unfixable pieces, goosebumps immediately erected all over my hands and legs. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I spun on my heels and walked back to the entrance. I'll just have Jaz come pick up the kids after 'cause right now I just want to lie down.

As I said before this is a shitty day.


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Kellisa Kelly

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