(22) MatchMaker

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Xavier's POV

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Xavier's POV

"We should really be on our way," I informed Brad for the fifth time. Dumping the smartphone back into my pocket, my eyes sweep the large foyer for any sign of Claire. Unfortunately she is nowhere in sight, my best guess is that Diane whisked her off somewhere. The pair was literally standing by one of those undecorated table just a mintue ago.


Pressing the thick champagne stem against my palm, I exhale sharply in annoyance. The remaining streaks of cold water run down my clammy fingers ticking me off even more.

I don't know what's worse the bustling event planners or an absentee Claire.

My brother's heavy hand pat my shoulder, his way of silently encouraging me to hop back into the bland conversation. This man has been purposely ignoring everything I've been saying for the past half an hour. It's his childish way of getting me to stay longer than I actually should.

"Xavier dear," my eyes automatically land back on the woman in front of me. "I hoped there was a better turnout this time around,"

The muscles at the back of my neck immediately knot at the mention of last Sunday. A spasmodic pain jab at my temple as my mind flashed back to all the recycled mourning, practiced sentimental speeches and several intrusive paparazzo.

"Peaceful," Brad intervene loosening his tight grip on my shoulder eventually dropping his hand at his own side.

"Couldn't agree more," I manage to bite out through a clenched jaw, I can feel heat already crawling up my neck. 

"Great," she clap her hand oblivious to my discomfort, a satisfied smile settled on her lips. "How about that sweet girl I talked to earlier? She is your friend right?"

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at the obvious matchmaking I shrug instead, "she's around here somewhere and yes she is,"

"I do like you two—"

"Sorry Aunty but I am afraid I should get going. This asshole tricked me, I've overstayed my time," the woman's thin eyebrow dip creating a prominent wrinkle in her pale skin. Ignoring her obvious scowl I whip out my cellphone. "Excuse me,"

I draw my lips back in a faint smile, with a small nod I walk off leaving the two to mumble in my absence. Abandoning the untouched drink on a nearby tray I send Claire a quick text message instructing her to meet me at the car.

"I'll see you both in a few hours," I turn back to the pair, "Brad tell Diane that I appreciate everything she is doing."

"I will pass on the message but I think she would want to hear it from you,"

"Noted," spinning on my heel I head for the main entrance. Once outside I jog down the steps and head over to my car. Bracing myself on the hood I reply to a message from my pilot updating me on the current weather patterns.

Seems like I can still travel airborne, that's the fastest way to get to my fam—

"No," I sigh shaking the thought from my head. I need to sort out this thing out, it will be more than enough once Zoey truly knows how sorry I am. Separated parents do this all the time, why would this be any different.

"Hey," I look over at the woman standing in front of me, concern etch in her forehead.

"Hi," straightening up I walk over to the driver's side pulling on the car door. "Get in."


"I had no idea it was your birthday," Claire's voice came over the car's stereo. I glance over at her taking in her side profile for a second before focusing back on the open road.

"Didn't expect you to," I shrug a few seconds later adding. "I don't usually celebrate it, just something my folks like to do. I am starting to think it's all an excuse to throw a highly exaggerated party."

"It may not be,"

"Mhm," I sigh quietly thinking back on all the best birthday wishes sitting in my DMs and email. It's usually this way every birthday. "Anyway, I might just say it now. The reason why I am so eager to go to LA is because I made a promise with a eight year old, I don't usually don't go back on those."

"Oh, must be a special kid—"

"He is. He's my son," My lips fall into a small smile thinking back on the short period of time I spent with him. "Look fortunately no one knows yet and would like to keep it that way for awhile."

"O-of course," she release a short sigh, "I won't say anything. You can trust me,"

"I hope so." I mutter pulling the car into the small shared private airport. "Ever rode in a helicopter?"

"No," I heard a low gasp from her seat.

"Don't tell me you are acrophobic," turning the wheel I drive towards the hangars. From here I can see the company's helicopter sitting on a helipad in the distance.

"No, no. I am just a bit surprised. This is all so Fifty Shades like."

"Oh. Never seen that movie," I park the car immediately cutting the engine. Undoing the seatbelt, I turn in my seat to face her. "Are you sure you're okay with me flying that thing? I can get someone to carry you back—"

"No, no. It's fine. I am fine," Claire turn her head in my direction, a stiff smile pasted on her tight lips.

"Uh, great." Leaning over I try to undo her seatbelt but end up fumbling with the buckle. The subtle floral fragrance waft to my nose shamefully throwing me off. A few seconds later the tongue thankfully came free. "Let's go,"


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