(38) Liability

554 20 2

Updates will be Mondays and Fridays (as long as I have data).


Xavier's POV

I groan in bliss at the specks of sand sinking beneath my bare feet as I stroll down to the beach. The crashing of the waves grows louder around me with every leisured step. My eyes are immediately draw to the silvery stretch of ocean, totally enthralled into panoramic beauty of the landscape. For the first time since being here, miles upon miles away from home, I feel less anxious. Somewhat at peace.

"Very therapeutic," plopping down onto the sand, I vaguely wonder if Duke would mind a change of scenery. Speaking of which. I mentally note our session for tomorrow morning. Sitting criss crossed now, I pluck my IPhone from the pocket of the thin basketball shorts I'm now sporting.

I immediately went to my emails, skimming through the ones flagged important first then the others. I reply to as many as I can, copying and forwarding memos from my various businesses to my appropriate assistants. The jet is back home, fueled, clean and at my disposal for this weekend which I'm grateful for. Replying to a couple more, I open the last of the emails titled "Therapy".

From: Duke Thomas
Subject: Therapy
Date: August 11, 2022 22:17 PST
To: Xavier Danvers

Mr. Danvers,
This serves as a remainder for our upcoming virtual session on August 15, 2022.

Duke Thomas
Family Therapist

I hit reply.

From: Xavier Danvers
Subject: Therapy
Date: August 12, 2022 23:56
To: Duke Thomas


Xavier Danvers
CEO, Xavier & Co. Enterprises

Closing out of my email, I go onto to reply to a few Imessages and regular texts then log onto WhatsApp. I briefly scan through my family group. As usual I'm the topic of discussion. Rolling my eyes, I switch over to Instagram.

"Hey," Zoey's soft voice cuts through the quiet night. Her sweet scent floats in the air as she joins me on the sand. My heart wickedly flutters at our closeness. "Need a blanket?"

"Thanks," I sigh in appreciation as she wraps one around my shoulders.

"No problem," the woman offers a lopsided smile before her eyes fall out to the glistening beach. "Penny for your thoughts?"

I shrug carelessly. "Life. I guess,"

"What about it?"

"You sound like Duke," I run a finger across thoughtfully across my bottom lip. "He's the therapist,"


"Yeah. It's nothing really," I quickly shift the conversation not wanting to think about Duke nor our impending session in the morning. "What did mom say?"

Dead silence. It takes a few moments before she speaks up with a pursed lip. "Well, she did apologized for the other day. She wants to help to throw Tyler's surprise party next week along with your sister."

"And?" I ask sensing a but coming. Zoey's been quite hesitant from the beginning in meeting with my family again. She said it's because it will throw Tyler in the limelight but I highly doubt that. I suspect it's the way things had ended on bad terms. "Zoey you can't keep him away forever you know that, right?"

"I know," the woman heaves a loud sigh. "Have you talked to him as yet?"

"No," I shake my head no with a disheartened sigh. Pulling the blanket closer to my body, I unfold my legs stretching them out. "Soon though. Zee please don't try to change the subject. The party is a great way for him meet my folks plus you and mom working together isn't the worst idea in the world,"

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