(40) Happy Tears?

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Bare with me, it has been a while. Kinda out of touch...

Xavier's POV

Here I am, perched on the grainy warmth of the Dunns River Falls beach in Jamaica. I watch Zoey and our son play in the water, their laughter bounce off the ocean waves and mingle with the cheerful shouts of other beachgoers. In this moment, I feel an odd sense of wholeness; a poignant satisfaction I've not known before.

Yet, within that sense of completion, a tinge of regret persists. It's as if the paradise before me only magnifies the gravity of my past transgressions. There's no escaping the memories of my careless actions, the times I'd taken Zoey for granted.

Despite the caress of the tropical breeze, a shiver runs through me. Zoey. Her name, her face, her smile. They're all etched so deeply into my mind. I love her, and yet, I did hurt her. I fucked up. I allowed my pride and stubbornness to eclipse my affections.

And it is this remorse that overshadows the moment, a bitter reminder of a time I wish I could erase, and yet also a time that shaped me into who I am now. A man who loves more fully, who understands more deeply, who regrets, yes, but who's learning to live with that regret.

I'm lost in my reverie when the sudden approach of two women yanks me back to the present. They come bearing bright smiles, their eyes shining with a familiar recognition that sets me on edge. What the fuck now?

"Xavier Danvers?" one of them asks, her tone lace with excitement.

The sound of my name, especially coming from a stranger, jars me. I instinctively cast a glance towards Zoey and our son. My instinct is to shield them, to keep this semblance of peace undisturbed. That's why we fucking came here in the first place.

"I think you're mistaken," I reply, maintaining a courteous smile. I don't want a scene; I just want to fade back into the background.

"I doubt that," the lanky one lips turn up in a sickly smile. "We have a rented room not too far from here..."

A mix of discomfort and frustration bubbles inside me as the true intent behind the women's persistence becomes apparent. Despite my efforts to steer the conversation away from such matters, their persistence lingers, now with a new motive. It's evident they are more interested in the billionaire playboy persona than in respecting my fucking personal boundaries.

My heart tightens as I catch Zoey's eye from a distance. There's a vulnerability in her gaze, as if she senses the unwelcome attention we're receiving. The last thing I want is for her or Tyler to be affected by this unwanted intrusion. I did promise her.

"I'm sorry, but that's not something I'm interested in," I say firmly, hoping my response will deter them.

The taller woman smirks, seemingly undeterred by my rejection. "Come on, Xavier, don't be shy. We've heard all about your wild escapades. You're famous for them, you know," she says, leaning in with a suggestive grin.

I take a step back, my patience wearing thin. I'm no longer the man who craved the spotlight or reveled in public attention. My heart belongs to my family, and I won't let anyone jeopardize that. Especially now.

"You've been misinformed," I retort, trying to maintain my composure. "As I said, my personal life is private, and I have no interest in pursuing anything beyond a simple conversation."

The other woman steps forward, her hand reaching out in an attempt to touch my arm. I instinctively pull away, a firm boundary established. "Don't fucking touch me,"

"Come on, Xavier. Don't be so uptight. We just want to have some fun," she says, her voice dripping with insincerity.

Fuck this shit. 

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