(45) The Days That Follow

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Zoey's POV

Three full whole weeks have passed since the night Xavier unveiled the startling truth about Dasha. Time since then has continued to flow, bringing with it a mix of routine and unforseen challenges.

As the Chief Financial Officer of Agrocentre Enterprises, my days are usually consumed by spreadsheets, finance reports, and strategy meetings. Today, however, I find my mind wandering to more personal concerns. My period is late. I'd noticed it a couple of days ago and have since been distracted. I'm caught between the thrill of hope and the sobering realism that it could be nothing more than stress-induced irregularity.

Yet, that's not the only thing that piqued my interest since week. A close inspection of the company's documents had revealed a surprising. The ownership of Agrocentre Enterprises, the company where I'm serving as a CFO, appears to have been transferred over to me. When, how or why this had transpired I have not a clue, but I'm positive this switch up has everything to do with Xavier.

Now sitting in well-lit office with financial reports spread across my desk, I'm struggling to concentrate. Figures, forecasts, and growth projections are vying for my attention but they seem to dissolve into an indecipherable blur. My thoughts keep circling back to the possibility, the life-changing what if.

"Hell," I mutter, running a hand through my hair, frustration and disbelief cloud my mind. I cup my hands over my nose and mouth, trying to steady my uneven breaths, but it's a futile attempt. Seconds later a lone tear escapes and trail down my cheek. "Holy fuck."

The soft knock on the door breaks my chain of thought, a welcome distraction from the pandemonium in my head. I quickly wipe away the tear, not wanting to reveal my vulnerability. "Come in," I manage to say, my voice steady despite the chaos.

The door opens slowly, and in walks the only Allison, my executive assistant, with a steaming cup of coffee. She flashes me a knowing smile. 

"Busy day?" she enquires, her gaze sympathetic.

I barely manage a chuckle, "When is it not?"

With a comforting pat on my shoulder, Allison leaves me to my work. The rest of the day is a whirlwind of meetings and phone calls, tainted by moments of silent contemplation about my late period and the potential ownership of the company.

As the day fades into the dusk I call it a day and drive home. My heart flutters with anticipation and dread. Our family has grown in recent weeks as a result of shared experiences. Our family has grown stronger in recent weeks as a result of shared experiences and revelations. And now, there could be another shift in our dynamics.

Pulling into the driveway, my gaze flicks over to the nondescript van parked a little way down the street. The sight has become commonplace over the past few weeks - a constant reminder of the threat we faced, of the measures Xavier took to ensure our safety. The surveillance team is inconspicuous, meant to blend in, but knowing they are there brings a sense of comfort.

Tyler's laugh rings through the cool evening air catching my attention. In the yard, Ty and Lucas, one of his close friends from school and our neighbour, are engaged in a lively game of basketball. Their squeals of delight brings a smile to my face, a soothing balm to my turbulent thoughts. It's these little moments, these snippets of normalcy that make everything we've been through worth it.

"Hey guys," I call out, waving at them. "Don't stay out too long. Come get something to eat after this round."

I receive enthusiastic waves and nods in response. I can't help but smile at their zeal for life. Despite everything, they're just kids - carefree and full of life. It's quite refreshing sight.

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