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Lance's PoV 

Ok deep breath Lance, you've got this. I mean it's not like this is the most important day of your life. It's not like it's your wedding! Oh wait it is! Crap, am I ready for this? Of course I am. I love Keith with everything in my being but what if he backs out? What if he can no longer deal with me leaving my dishes on top of the dishwasher? What if he hates the fact that I wet my tooth brush before I brush my teeth? What if...?

The sound of the piano bursts my bubble of panic and causes the whole church to stand up. Dios mío who knew that the wedding of the long lost prince  would attract this much attention? The grand oak doors at the entrance of the church open silencing the place. 

(Sorry if this is wrong but I've ever been to a wedding I remember so I don't know the order of who comes out first.)

The first to walk through the arch way of lilies are the "groom's" maids. The dresses all had a sweetheart neckline apparently and were a light pink with a maroon sash belt around the waist. I don't really know shit about dresses but thank god Shay the palace's tailor did. I would be lying if I knew who everyone was but I did spot Pidge in the mix. I nearly did a double take when I saw her in a dress cause believe me that was a once in a blue moon occurrence which I bet wouldn't have been possible without my husband to be's father. 

Adam was a scary man when he wanted to be and even though he didn't have his husband's muscle mass he certainly had a glare that could freeze hell over. I found his mama bear act funny except when he was giving me the talk. Shivering at the memory I move on to the thought of him ordering everyone about needing this to be and I quote, " the best damn wedding this kingdom has ever seen especially for my baby." The colour of Keith's cheeks after that challenged the redness of a tomato. An adorable tomato. 

Anyway back to the aisle. Next came Hunk with his flower boy basket because god forbid that it would be anyone else. He fought Matt for it in a thumb war and came on top. Once he reaches the alter he joins me at the place of my best man and stands next to Matt my other groom's man. The boy's suits were a dark blue jacket and trousers with a pale blue tie.

Finally the moment I was waiting for came when I saw my raven head fiancé stand at the start of the aisle with a dad on each arm. His long, long locks were but a distance memory as he now sported a mullet. I would take this to my grave but if I am telling the truth I love it. We were both wearing crisp white suits but I am wearing a blue tie that according to Keith 'matches the eyes he fell in love with' Damn I love this man. He is wearing a deep red tie that matched his flushed cheeks. It also matched his bright scarlet jewelled tiara that was rightfully returned because I didn't want to be hated by the in-laws. As they gets closer I spot the tears of pride in Adam and Shiro's eyes. Finally after what feels like 10 deca-pheobs his parents finally hand Keith over to me with beaming smiles. 

I take both of Keith's hands as he stands across from me in front of the alter.

 "We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of these two souls...." I block out the rest of what the priest is saying as I stare in the eyes of my beloved. I can't believe it's been 3 years since we met. (they are both 20)  I never thought I would ever say this but I am so glad that I got stranded in that freezing forest that faithful night.

"Lance?" Keith's slightly breaking voice snaps me out of my wistful thoughts.

"Yes mi Reí, what is the matter darling?" I internally burst with pride at the small smile that appears on his face along with that seeming permanent blush.

"Ummmm it's time for the vows. Are you ok? Have you not been listening?" He gets a little hysterical at the end and then I knew that he thought my silence meant I was not completely there and with his logic he thought I might run away. Silly man but he is my silly adorable man.

"As cheesy as it sounds mi amour I simply got lost in your beautiful eyes however to put you at ease I will say my vows before you have a chance to realise how out of your legue I am," this gains a chuckle from the audience, " Keith before you I was a no good thief and a nobody. The day I came across your tower was a blessing in disguise. Was I freezing my balls off? Yes I was. Was I tired from stealing from my future in-laws that are giving me the evil stare right now? Yes I was. However when I lay my eyes on you none of that mattered because with you I found peace. I found home. This has been a whirlwind of a live story but there is no other damn person I would want to experience it with but you." I see the tears in my eyes reflected in mi amour's glossy ones. Whoever said men don't cry can quiznak off!

Keithy takes a stuttering breath and starts his vows.

"Lance when I first met you, you were obnoxious, full of yourself and unbearingly flirtatious. That said the minute you opened your big mouth, I opened my heart to love. True the love story we share could only be straight out of a fairytale itself but I guess that makes you my hero and I your Prince. I can't wait to learn even more about you every progressing day. I can't wait to see our future children run around turning us grey because if they are anything like you that is a grantee," I chuckle at that along with the guests. "But most importantly I can't wait to grow old with you and spending everyday showing you how much I love you."

Damn these onions really do get to you.

An almost croak causes me to look down at where Cosmo stands with our rings around his neck. Kneeling down I untie both of them from his neck while giving him a little rub on the chin. I place the ruby studded ring on Keith's wedding finger and he follows by placing my blue sapphire studded ring on my fourth finger.

"With the power vested in me and the kingdom of Voltron I present you with the newly wedded Mr and Mr McLain. You may now kiss the groom." Without a seconds hesitation I take Keith in my arms and dip him. The kiss we share seals our fate and though we may not know what the future holds, we will face it together.

The End 

(I will correct spelling mistakes at a later date as I need to get this done by midnight)


Word count: 1220

This draws a close to my first ever book. I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as I have. I know I never post regularly but I have finally finished it. I want to thank everyone for the support and love you have shown my book. I never thought I would ever reach over 100 reads but now we are at 12k I can't believe it and it is all thanks to you guys. Happy Valentines Day guys 😘 and for the last time (until later 😉) peace out ✌️!

~Book Geek

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