Bonding moment

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Lance's POV
Ughhh I don't wanna wake up. This is the first time in a couple months I have slept so well but the sun didn't get the message as it chose to wake me up.
As my eyes flutter open I look around the unfamiliar room and down at the cute boy sleeping on my chest...........What the quiznak? I refrain myself from jolting up and waking up the sleeping beauty. My brain starts to wake up as I think through how we ended up cuddling and it soon comes to me that we must of turned to face each other during the night as I fell asleep facing the wall. Our legs have tangled and my arms are securely wrapped around Keith's narrow waist. His body is half on me with his hands spread on my chest as his head rests there as well. As he is still asleep I chose to look at his face now he is a lot closer. Okay I may be staring so sue me! His long dark lashes rest on his soft cheeks one cheek smushed against my chest. His lips are lightly open letting out cute, soft snores. His face is totally relaxed not like his frowning face from when he was awake. Only one word can explain this boy. PERFECTION. As I stare at his face I hear him shuffle a bit and nuzzle his head further into my chest. Lance.exe has stopped working and is now in heaven. I lift one arm off his back as I use that hand to comb through his midnight hair not being able to resist the temptation anymore. It is so soft and silky. What kinda shampoo does he use? A while later his eyelashes flutter and he opens his eyes revealing his eyes. He lifts his head up from my chest and looks at me. Our faces are inches apart and my fingers are still in his hair. All sleep evaporated from his eyes as they widen with shock and a ferocious scarlet blush floods his face. After a few heart beats he jerks back looking at anything but me. Ouch.
He untangles our legs and gets out of the bed leaving me there flustered and a melting bi mess. He picks out an outfit and storms into the bathroom to change.

Keith's POV
'OMQG OMQG OMQG!' (Oh my quiznaking god!)
What the hell was that? I stare at myself in the mirror and see my face, the top of my ears and my neck are covered in a blush. 'Okay Keith calm down' I start to stop myself from having a gay panic attack. I didn't need that with Lance in the other room. I quickly get changed into a new dress and yeah I am a guy and I wear dresses, fight me bitch. I splash some water onto my face and try to calm down but I can't deny that was the best sleep of my life. The memory of feeling a warm arm wrapped 'round me and fingers running through my hair threatened to bring my blush back. Then a thought struck me, Why did I like it? Don't worry I know I am 100% gay but I didn't like people touching me, my hair was okay (as I had to lug Zarkon and Haggar's heavy asses up here) but I wouldn't even feel comfortable with a hand shake. So why did I feel so safe and whole in Lance's arms? Never mind I will just forget it, no biggie!
I leave the bathroom to find the bed made and a dressed Lance waiting for me.
"Good morning, cutie!" He said as he greeted me with his adorable smile on his face. Not now gay thoughts.
"Whatever" I reply shortly walking past him to the window to look at the forest.
"Whatever? We had a bonding moment. I cradled you in my arms!" He shouts sounding a bit annoyed at my coldness.  (An~See how I switched it around. It would be criminal not to have this in it)
I ignore him and sit on the window ledge turning away for the sun. Out of the corner of my eye I see the light hit something sparkly in the satchel Lance owned which was on the floor next to the end of the bed. Lance seems to have noticed as well and makes a dash for it but it is useless as I got there quicker using my Galra speed.
I open the satchel to see a beautiful tiara. It was stunning. (An~here is a picture as I am to lazy to describe it)

 (An~here is a picture as I am to lazy to describe it)

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"Where did you get this?" I ask.
"I ummmm mayhavestolenitfromthepalace!" Lance mumbled the last part and I couldn't understand what he was saying. I give him a look that said 'better cut the bullshit before I beat you!'
Lance takes a deep breath and says slower this time with a guilty look on his face.
"I may have stolen it from the palace."
I stare at the boy in shock and then look down to the tiara. I have a compelling feeling that I should try it on so slowly I make my way over to my full length mirror and placed it on my head. I heard a choked gasp of what sounded like "gorgeous!"

Lance's POV
Omg he looked beautiful wait no that's not right, he looked gorgeous. The red rubies stood out from his jet black hair beautifully. I choke out a gasp "gorgeous" which gets his attention meeting my eyes in the mirror. We stare at each other and he looks deep in thought, god what I wouldn't do to know what he is thinking about.
"I want you to take me." His voice cuts the thick tension. I choke as my mind went straight down the gutter OMQG not now bi thoughts.
"What?" I manage to choke out after being snapped out of my "clean" thoughts
"I want to get outta of this tower and you are gonna help me."
"What makes you think I would do that!" I smirk at him but it falls as I see his determined eyes and a smirk of his own.
"Because if you you want this tiara back you will do as I ask."
I stand shocked at this sly boy. Well played Keith, well played.
"What is stopping me from just taking it from you and why do you need me?" I ask walking closer to him but stop as in a flash I feel cold metal pressed against my throat. A dagger. Is it wrong that was kinda hot. No? Good cause it was.
"I would like to see you try take it back, thief and I can't leave this tower with out someone taking me with them so here is what is gonna happen. You are gonna bust me outta this place and then I will give this back to you. Got that lover boy?"
I think that plan through and as I am about to deny I see the desperation to leave this tower in his eyes and I know I am a goner.
"Okay, lets go then." I mumble out as I see shock and happiness flood on to his face. His whole face brightens even though he gives a tiny smile on his face. I make it a mission to get him to smile bigger and more often. Yup I'm definitely a goner.
After planning how we are going to do this cause apparently we have to maintain physical contact as we leave the tower we chose the safest way for this to work is if Keith is on my back as we abseil down to the ground. He looks a bit uncomfortable but with a bit of convincing he hesitantly complied. We start to set up and as we are about to leave Keith calls out "Cosmo" and a lizard comes out from under the bed, crawling up to Keith's shoulder.
Now we are ready we execute the plan with a small bag with necessities slung on Keith's back and once on the ground I wait for Keith to climb off my back. A minute later and no movement I turn my head to see Keith staring warily at the grass clinging to me tighter.
"What is that?" I hear Keith mumble then I realise I don't know how long he has been locked away and he doesn't know what grass is.
"You are okay, it is grass and it is fine to walk on." I state calmly.
Hesitantly he climbs off standing frozen on the grass but after several seconds he digs his toes into the grass staring in wonder. I have a weird feeling in my chest I don't know what it is but I am to coward to find out right now. A thought then comes to me. Stupid? yes. Dangerous? maybe. Worth it? totally.
"Let me take you to my friend's bar and you can stay there until you figure out what you want to do. To be blunt you won't last a minute out here by yourself." I say the words coming out before I can think.
"Why would you do that?"
"Call me a Good Samaritan. Can I have my tiara back please?" It is still on his head.
He looks at me for a while and I start to squirm under his gaze.
"Give me the satchel," he commands and I comply. He takes off the tiara and places it in the satchel securely buckling it before shrugging off the supply bag, giving that to me, then slinging it across his body before talking again. "I will return this after I have made safe passage to this bar."
I mull over this and agree. We start walking away from the tower leaving it behind. This is gonna be interesting.
Hours later
Zarkon's POV
As I stand at the bottom of the boy's tower I yell up at him expecting to see his hair ready to pull me up. However what I got was silence. Not a sound. Pissed off I use the secret stair way and storm my way up to his room.
"Keith do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?!"  I shout out.
It takes me a second to realise he isn't anywhere to be seen. He escaped! How?! When?! Where is he now?! I will get to the bottom of this and when I find that little shit there will be hell to pay!
I know I is evil! Muhahaha! But quiznack 1761 words I am gonna pat my back a little. Hope you like this chapter it took a while.
Til next time, good bye hunnies!
~Book Geek

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