Who the quiznack are you?

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Lance's PoV

Have you ever been so angry that you can't think straight? The type of rage that makes it impossible to think of anything but the source of your hatred. The type of rage that consumes your whole being fueled with adrenaline and vengence. That is what it was like with that drunkard down stairs. If it weren't for Keith I don't think I would have stopped beating the man that dare insult mi amor(my love), that dare make him upset and dare to make a frown appear on his face. I was so blinded with revenge I didn't even realise the amount of damage I had inflicted on the man until Keith came over to calm me down and stop me. His presence brought back clarity to my mind. He gave me the strength to get off the man but not without the threat and kick to his stomach I mean come on I am not a saint.

Coming back to the present I am standing in the middle of the room we placed Keith earlier, said person still in my arms. Snapping back to reality I gently placed him down however keeping him pressed to my chest as his feet touched the floor trapping his arms between us.
"You're shaking Lance." Keith tells me in a quiet soothing voice, slowly releasing his trapped arms wrapping them around my waist. He then starts to gently rub my back to calm me down. I hadn't realised I was until he pointed it out. I nuzzle my face into the top of his long raven hair taking in deep breathes. This is how we stayed until Keith pulled away and grabbed both of my hands.
"As much as I want to cuddle, we need to clean your knuckles so they don't get infected Lance, " Keith says in a light tone to break the tense atmosphere. He leads me from where we were standing to the room's joint bathroom / ensuite. He tells me to sit down on the closed toilet seat and it is only then I look and my split open knuckles. Damn I really did a number on my hands.

"Found it," the raven boy calls from under the sink cabnet where he was looking for the first aid kit. He reamerges with the small box and stands infront of me while opening the box to retrieve something from inside and dabbing it onto a cotton bud.
"This is going to sting"
"What do you m..Dios mio que duele como una puta, mierda (My god that hurts like a bitch,shit)" I found myself cursing in spanish as a great deal of pain hit me. Now, I can take pain just as well as the next man. I mean I don't cry at every scratch but quiznack that hurt, "thanks for the warning Keith really don't know how I have made it this far with out you." I reply sarcastically through clenched teeth after the burn of the solution has diled down a bit.
"Happy to be of service."
What a cheeky git. Damn he is lucky I like him otherwise I may have kicked him for that response...
"Ow what was that for Lance? Why did you kick me?!" Ok maybe I did kick him but can you blame me?
"Okay that should be all good in a couple of days." Keith says a few minutes later after wrapping my hand in bandages. What did you expect him to heal me with some magical hair or something, don't be ridiculous.

"What aren't you going to kiss it better?" I ask meaning it as a joke but the seriousness that took over his face along with flushed cheeks lets me know he is actually considering it. I sit in surprise when he brings both my injured hands to his lips and gives them a small sweet kiss. Lance.exe has officially stopped working. I look into his violet eyes with faded yellow surrounding them. The flash of emotion that enters his eyes comes as quickly as it left. He places down my hands and walks straight out of the bathroom back to the bedroom.

Oh hold on just a second he is not leaving after that. I stand up and hesitantly aproach Keith in the other room standing behind him and wrapping my arms securely around him to let him know I am here. He slowly removes his hands from his face and turns to me so we are now facing towards each other. He nuzzles his face into my shoulder hiding his aflamed face from me. Come on Lance say something, he is obviously upset so why not try and cheer him up.
"Damn I had a feeling you liked tough guys like me."
WHAT THE QUIZNACK! Oh well done Lance. No really great job! 'I had a feeling you liked tough guys like me'  real smooth you idiot.
He pulled away from me, looking at my chin avoiding eye contact, and just as I thought he was going to slap me he surprised me by saying with a small smirk,
Wait is this him admitting he liked me or was he talking in general. He couldn't...could he? No. Yes. No. But... What if? Taking action into my own hands, quite literally, I took his chin between my thumb and index finger and tilted it until his gorgeous eyes met mine. When I look into his eyes I feel at home no matter where we are. He is my home. I start leaning down closing the distance between our lips. Omg was I really doing this? Was I going to risk him hating me just to kiss him? I notice his breathing hitches. I leave room between our lips so he can make the decision whether he wants this or not. We stand there for what feels like an eternity but just as I go to back away he rises onto his tip toes and...

"GUYS YOU HAVE TO COME DOWN QUICKLY... oh what do we have here?"  Keith and I spring apart at the voice that cuts the tension of the room. Okay I love Pidge as if she was my sibling and I would not change her for the world but seriously she must have the worst timing ever. While Keith looks at the ground as if it is the best thing since sliced bread I shoot Pidge a glare. Boi if looks could kill she would be six feet under.
"What do you want Pidge? What is so important you..." before I could finish Pidge buts in.
"so important that I had to interupt your make out session with your boyfriend?"
" Ye..I mean no, "  OMQ if Keith got any redder I am worried he is going to faint. "But answer the question why did you have to burst in here like that WITHOUT KNOCKING!" I stress the last part of the sentence.
"There is someone down stairs asking for the both of you so you better come now." Hearing the importance in her tone we all made our way downstairs into the bar to be met with the whole quiznacking royal guard. In the middle front of the group stands a tall, buff man. His black hair shaved at the sides with a tuff of white in the front gave his identity away to everyone.
"Who the quiznack are you?" Well everyone besides Keith. Keith what are you doing you're gonna get us arrested or worse killed.
"Now come on Keith is that anyway to talk to your your old man?"
No quiznacking way!
Word count: 1274

Hey, sorry it took a month to get this out but I really wanted this to be a good chapter as it leads to a lot of things further on into the book. I also want to says thanks to those posting postitive comments it really brings a smile to my face and it gives me motivation to keep writing! Don't forget to vote and comment if you can guess who the new character is. Peace out dudes!
~ Book Geek

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