The fight

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Hey.... I'm so sorry I haven't been active lately and I have no excuse tbh. But now it is the Easter holidays and quarantine I am gonna start uploading a lot more. Just asking, is anyone else getting a butt load of work to do which is meant to be what you would do in class but in reality in class you don't get that much work done? Is it just me? Also I am typing from my kindle so sorry for any mistakes.
And guys this book now has 2k reads. I have no clue how that happened but thanks so much for the support. HAPPY EASTER GUYS! Not gonna lie I forgot it was easter ...whoops. Now into the story.

Keith's PoV

I am not going to lie, those words really hurt. Was Zarkon really telling the truth? Do I disgust everyone? I mean the only reason Lance is still here is because I still have the satchel though I left it upstairs. Why didn’t he take it when I was asleep? Does he care? No don’t be stupid Keith he only wants the crown and then he’ll ride off into the sunset, get married to a beautiful woman, have beautiful kids and just leave me behind. But is Lance like that I mean he said he is here for me but is he really?  Interrupting my inner turmoil, I am gently removed from my comfortable hiding spot in Lance’s neck. Confused I look up into his eyes and see barely contained anger biting in his deep blue depths. He place me in between a short brunette and a tall large man, his friends I am assuming.

“What did you say, asshole? Wanna say that again?” Lance bites back still facing me while speaking to the drunkard. Why is he defending me, and why am I blushing? Why is this kinda hot? Stop it Keith.

“ I,I,I said what are you doing with that MONSTER?” The man slurs his words but the stutter is from what I guess is fear.

Lance slowly turns around to face the man, and although he may not be as wide as git he has at least half a foot on the man. The stand off has caught the attention of the whole tavern; you could here a pin drop. 

“You. Are. Dead.” Lance states in a chilling calm voice and with that he pulls back his fist and strikes right into the drunk man’s face. Said man falls to the ground like a sack of bricks but Lance doesn’t stop there. He jumps on top of the man and repeatedly punches his face until blood is pouring down the drunkards face and he doesn’t look like he is going to stop any time soon. 

“Go stop him before he ends up killing the asshole.” The tiny brunette tells me and I snap out of my trance and into action crouching down to Lance. I place my hands softly on his face to guide his attention to me. 

“Lance baby you got him, I am okay. You have to let him go.” I don’t know what I am saying but it seems to be working.

“But he hurt your feelings and I can’t have that, you mean too much to me, mi amor (my love)” he replies. A shy smile along with a raging blush come to my face at his words though I don’t speak Spanish so I don’t know what he said but we aren’t out of the woods yet.

“You taught him a lesson lover boy now come with me before the guards show up.”

Lance nods his head and stands up off of the man that is shallowly gulping down breaths. He pulls me to him chest to chest which spreads the blush from my face down to my shoulders aswell. He places his face into my hair and takes a deep calming breath. He then pulls away from my long black hair however still keeping me pinned to his chest. Usually touching alone would have my hackles rising but with Lance it feels safe. Warm. I feel protected. Lance takes a deep breath and addresses the whole tavern.

“If anyone and I mean anyone talks to, looks at, or even breathes in mi amor's direction like that again I promise you I will end you! " He coldly states with a clenched jaw and finishes off with spitting down on his victim. He turns on his heel sweeping me up into his strong arms and storms to the staircase I had left not even 10 minutes ago. I am met with the door that enters into the bedroom I woke up in. Lance pushes it open and he steps inside with me in his arms.
Meanwhile downstairs
Unknown PoV
"Sir I have found the boy and he is accompanied by the outlaw."
"Good job tell me where you are and I will come for them."
After my spy repeated back the location, I hung up the phone and saddled my horse to ride to the tavern. I will bring you home Keith.
Word count: 898
Dun.Dun.Dun! Comment who you think was on the other end of the phone. Who are they? See you next time and sorry for typos if there are any and let me know where. Peace out dudes!
~ Book Geek

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