Prince charming?

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~ Surprise it's another chapter for you! 😁 ~

Keith's POV

"What?" I splutter out after snapping out of my shock.
"I said the name's Lance-"
"Yeh, yeh I know that dumbass! I was just questioning your sanity. Why are you here?" I end up asking the question suspiciously.
"Well funny story actually'" he chuckles nervously, "but I would rather tell you up there in the toasty, warm looking room you have there."
I stand there and go over what this blue-eyed beauty said to me. 'Up there? As in my room? Who does this guy think he is, the Queen of freakin' England?'
"Okay listen," I look down at Lance as he continues, "I am really cold like freezing my *cough* off well you get it and I have no where to stay. You are the only place for 20 miles. And I am too good looking to die of hypothermia so I am begging you, please let me stay beautiful!"
I can't believe I am considering this, what if he is a murderer or he is something worse. I know nothing about him and... Woah hold up let's back track real quick. Did he call me 'beautiful'? I feel a blush spread its way onto my cheeks. He is quite the charmer ...
"So you going to let me up or what I am freezing my ass off here?"
Annnnd there goes that blush.
"Fine I will let you up but any funny business and I will make a rug outta you!" I call down menacingly.
(An~ This is a fanfic so PLEASE don't let strangers into your house. This isn't real it is a cheesy love story so be careful.🙏)
"Ohhh feisty," he say while doing pointing dumb finger guns at me. I send him a glare which he obnoxiously ignores. "so do you have a ladder or a piece of -"
I cut him off by chucking my hair down and hooking it over the hook coming out of the top of the window.
I have to do this every time Zarkon or Haggar pay me a 'lovely' visit so if I can lift those dumbasses I can carry this lanky boy up.
Lance stares at the raven hair pooling at his feet with a look of disbelief and amazement.
"Ummm what do I do with this... n-not that it isn't l-lovely" Lance stuttered out still in a bit of shock about 3 tonnes of hair thrown at his feet.
"Grab it dummy and then walk up to the wall. I will pull you up." I say back.
"Are you sure this is safe?" He asks unsure "not that I am scared or anything I am just not sure you are strong enough. Yeah that's it! That's all!" He adds on with a dumb smirk.
I roll my eyes at this 'Prince Charming' and start to pull him up. In several minutes he scrambles through the window and starts kissing the floor his back to me.
(Please correct me if this is wrong, I google translated it👇)
***"Gracias a Dios estoy vivo.  Mierda que podría haber ido mal..." I snort at his dramatics and that alerts Lance of my presence in the shadows. Lance then notices he has and audience (me) and straightens up, dusting himself off. He turns and we stare at each other for a bit. He can't see anything but my eyes but I can see him thanks to him standing under the only light in the room. I decide to use this time to get a good look at my new 'house guest'.
He was hot to be blunt. He is about 6'1 and quite lanky but he has quite a bit of muscle ( I have more just so you know) His skin is the colour of caramel and looks just as smooth. His face is quite angular with a pointed chin and high cheekbones. His lips are a shade lighter than his skin and have a full look to them with a strong Cupid's bow. Cropped dark chestnut hair covers his head a few strands sweeping into his eyes. But omg his eyes...They pierced my soul.(🤷‍️) They are like the ocean, so easy to fall deep into. Vivid blues swirl together: Ice blues, aquamarines, midnight blues, royal blues, electric blues and so many more . And the cherry on the cake is the memorising gold flakes that were scattered around in his deep pools catching the light in a beautiful way. Anybody could get lost in those eyes. Anyone. Even a boy like me...
But of course lover boy had to open his mouth and take me out of my obvious creep out session.
"See something you like hot stuff?"

*** Translation (Spanish to English )
"Thank god I am alive. Shit that could have gone badly."
( 802 words)
Hey. Longest chapter so far. I will try get another one out this week! Hope you guys are all good! Peace out!✌️
~Book Geek

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