Chapter 4 - Bonjour

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Bluey wakes up a little early with a smile on her face. Yesterday was amazing! She thought. I hope Jean Luc wakes up soon, I want to surprise him with something.

As soon as she got done with her thought, he wakes up.

"Jean Luuuuuuc!" she says.

He chuckles and replies, "Bonjour... Mon amie."

They laugh at the memory.

"Life was definitely simpler 12 years ago," Bluey says.

"I agree... We would just play all day and not worry about a single thing... I would love to be 7 years old again... But I just graduated from secondary school and my parents are urging me to go to tertiary school... Life is more complicated the more you age..."

"Wow! If you do go to tertiary school, you should definitely study philosophy, you would seem like the type of dog that would do great in that field of study," Bluey responds back.

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course, and whichever school you go to, I want to attend with you. Probably as a nurse, I loved playing doctors when me and Bingo were younger."

"That would be très gentil," Jean Luc says. "Hey, we need to go and be with the rest of your family!"

"Oh yeah! But I just want to stay here with you..."

"Me too, but your family is more important than I am."

With a playful frown, she decides, "Okay, let's go."

~3 minutes pass by as they cross the campground once more~

"Good morning, sleepyheads!" Chilli says to the pair.

"What time is it?" they ask simultaneously, then chuckle at the fact that that happened.

"It's almost noon," Bandit tells them, "and if that time would have hit, I would have sent Muffin, Socks, and Bingo after you."

"And ruin our sleep, I wouldn't like that very much!"

"I would also not like that, monsieur Heeler," Jean Luc says.

"Its a good thing that you woke up when you did... I would have jumped on your tent," Muffin yells from the caravan.

Everyone laughs, some harder than others.

Muffin pokes her head out of the door frame and defends herself. "I would have! Bluey, you know what happened when I slept over at your house and skipped a much desired sleep."

Bluey whispers to Jean Luc, "Yeah, that was a fun night."

"I could only imagine!"

Then, Bandit announces, "Everyone, pack your things, we're leaving."

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