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Some know the feeling. When you wake up without dreaming. A black dream, when the last thing you remember is closing your eyes. Well that is how Y/n feels waking up 5 years, 9 months, and 22 days later. She opens her eyes and allow them to get used to the mostly dark space. As her eyes focus she feels her pod move. As it does she sees white, bright white. And a figure. The figure gets closer and Y/n could tell it was a doctor. She floats over and grabs onto her pod, looking down at Y/n.

"How do you feel? Nauseous?" She asks. Y/n shook her head as she undoes the straps that keep her from floating. The female doctor pushes away from the pod as another one opens. Once out of the straps, Y/n gets out of the pod and looks around for where the lockers are. She pushes off the pod in that direction and starts searching for her locker. As far as she can tell the lockers are alphabetical, meaning that where she was is where her locker should be. She searches.

J. Heel

T. Jeen

Y/f/i (your first initial). James

Y/n opens the locker and takes out her stuff. As she does she looks around for her best friend, Jake Sully. She's known the Sully's since grade school, and has been closer to Jake than Tommy. His death still left a hole in her heart. Y/n shuts the locker door as she floats away.


The reason Y/n is in space is because of her research in plant and animal biology. And maybe or maybe not her military training. But it was fighting that caused her left eye to go slightly blind. Nope, Y/n wasn't born blind. In fact, when she was born she had normal eyes but then combat took that from her. She can still see out of it but the left side has a slight blur to it. But it never stopped her and it won't now. As she sits on the jet that is taking her to her destination she is thankful that Jake sits next to her. She holds onto Jake's leg as the jet jolts then stedies out again. Jake laughs at her, in his mind he silently calls her a wuss. A man shouting brings Y/n's and Jake's attention out of their little zones.

"Exo packs on! Exo packs on! Remember people if you lose your mask, you're unconscious in 20 seconds, you're dead in 4 minutes! Let nobody die today, it looks very bad on my report!" The man advise them.

Y/n sliped the mask over her y/h/c hair and pressed the buttons needed. She felt the aircraft lower itself onto soild ground and then the man spoke again but she doesn't care to really listen and grab her bags. When the man yells again does she listen.

"Lets go! Lets go! Go directly into the base, do not stop! Go straight inside on my mark!"

She sees a bunch of marines with guns run around and large machines. As she stands as the other marines get off the jet she waits for Jake. He opens up his wheel chair as I stand beside him. He turns to me.

"Jesus! Don't do that n/n (nickname)!" He says smiling. Y/n smile back. Once he gets his stuff he wheels out. She follows.

"Check it out man. Meals on wheels" A soldier says to his buddy. Y/n could feel her anger rise.

"That is just wrong! But look at those sweet legs!" The other man says quiet loudly. He then whistles at Y/n. She knew he was talking about her and her shorts but doesn't look at him. She follows next to Jake as the look around the base.

A large machine comes rolling in. Y/n notices many different colour arrows in the tires. They were large and looked like they were made from the natives. They walk/roll after it rolls away. Once they are inside they go to the mess hall. A man walks down the asial. He wears his uniform proudly. Y/n scoff. She dosn't listen to a thing he says. She has studied plants, animals, and knows how to use a gun, she knows she's fine. She don't even bother to sit down. Standing behind Jake as she waits for the man to finish.

I know I have many books out and I rarely post but I needed to make a Avatar story. I'm so excited for the second movie!

Other than that I swear I'll update everything soon and I'll try to post on this as much as possible.

Hope you enjoy!

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