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Y/n feels every step that Atan takes, her body moving with it. She couldn't help but look around. Even though the forest looks the same everywhere it's still amazes Y/n.

Tus'tey is ahead of her, his bow in his hand. He hears something the the forest crack. He raises his hand, causing Y/n to slow Atan.

"What is it?" Y/n questions. She looks around. This part of the forest is slightly dense. She continues to scan the forest, still unsure what she is really looking for. Her eyes widen when she sees a flash of white go by. Atan begins to freak out, along with Tsu'tey's pa'li.

"What is that?" Y/n questions again. Tsu'tey doesn't have time to say anything until they see the white figure. Y/n gasped.

An albino Thanator.


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"Tsu'tey. . . "The thanator circles around them. Y/n watches the thanator with wide eyes. She wish she had her camera, god Grace is going to kill her that she doesn't have a photo. The thanator growls, moving around them. Y/n locked eyes with the Thanator for a second before it turned away and walked back into the forest.

"Holy shit." Y/n mumbles, her heart still racing. Tus'tey eyed the forest, trying to see it again. He hs to tell Mo'at. He must tell her that they spotted the White Thanator.


"Tsu'tey, has your clan ever had a palulukan makto? (Thanator rider)" Y/n questions as Tsu'tey walks towards her. He had just finished speaking to Mo'at about seeing the rare sight of the White Thanator.

"No, not in the Omatikaya. Mostly the Anurai Clan." Tsu'tey tells her. Y/n nods and follows him to the rest of the clan eating dinner. Y/n smiles at Jake who pats a spot next to him with a smile. Y/n looks at Tsu'tey one last time before taking her spot with Jake.

"I almost died today." Jake smiles as he tells her. Y/n's eyes widen.

"Me too." She says. Jake smiles.

"The Great Leonopteryx, which is Toruk, almost killed me when me and Neytiri were flying. We barely made it." Jake says as he eats a jumbo shrimp.

"Remember that Thanator that almost killed us?" Y/n questions. Jake stops mid chew to look at her. "Well, there was a bigger one, not by much, and it was white. Albino I think. And it circled me and Tsu'tey. Then it ran away."

"Man, we have good luck, don't we."

"Yeah," Y/n says as she eats.

Some luck.


Sucky update. I'll do better next time.

In about three weeks I'll be free to update more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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