Teachings pt 1

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Y/n and Jake follow Neytiri's movements and got into the pods. Y/n and Jake both struggled to keep it steady, shaking as they try and get comfortable. Neytiri touches part of the pod. It began to close around her. Y/n and Jake follow suit. Y/n closed her eyes.

"-ake, Jake, Jake."

"Y/n, Y/n."

The voices seemed almost far away. Y/n opened her eyes to see Norm standing over her, shaking her arm slighty. Y/n blinks a few times before starting to sit up.

"Whoa, careful." Norm says as he helps Y/n sits up. "You were in deep." Next to them is Grace and Max who are helping Jake sit up.

"Is the Avatar safe?" Grace questions him.

"Yeah, doc. And you're not going to believe where we are."


"The last thing we see is this Marine ass drag poor Y/n into the forest with an angry Thanator
coming after them." Grace explains to the other scientists around her in the mess hall. Y/n is seated at the edge of the table, next to Jake and Grace.

Y/n laughs along with them, still feeling ike what they went through was a dream.

"It's not something you can teach." Jake says as he continues eating.

"For reasons I can't fathom the Omatikaya have chosen you. God helps us all." Y/n says as she lightly shoves his shoulder as she takes her tray to empty it.

After Y/n placed the tray where it needed to go she goes to her room. Unlike Jake, she has work to do. Walking into the room she takes a seat at her desk. As she looks at images of the native plants her door opens. Grace is standing there with something in her hands.

"Oh, hello." Y/n's mind basicly blanked. Why is Grace here?

"Jake told me how your camera is broken. This is one of the one's we use when we're in our Avatar bodies. It has a clearer picture." Grace sets the highly expensive camera on her bed before walking away.

(By the way, when the Colonel said that it wold be three months before the dozers reach Home Tree, wer're going to make that five months.)


"Okay, let's run through them again." Grace says as she pulls up a picture of Mo'at on her screen.

"Mo'at, Dragon lady." Jake answers.

"Eytucan." Jake says.

"Eytukan." Y/n corrects.

"He's the clan leader. And she's the spiritual leader. Like a Shawman." Grace says before she pulls up another image.


"Tsu'tey." Y/n answers as she lays down in her pod as a scientist begin to get the pod ready.

"He'll be the next clan leader." Grace tells the before bringing up an image of Neytiri.

"Neytiri." Jake answered perfectly. Y/n snickers.

"She'll be the next Tsahik. They become a mated pair."

"So who's this Eywa?" Jake questions after soaking up the information Grace just told him and Y/n.

"Who's Eywa? Only their deity, their goddess made up of all living things. Everything they know. You'd know this if you had any training whats so ever." Norm says angrily as Jake.

"Who has a date with the chiefs daughter?" Jake says as he holds up the picture. Norm and Jake go back and forth for a few more seconds until Grace breaks them up. Y/n looks to the scientist who gives her a thumbs up as she closes the pod. Allowing her body and mind to relax she sees the bright colored lights as she becomes one with her Avatar body once again.

When Y/n opened her eyes she wasn't expecting Tsu'tey standing above her on the branch she used to get into the sleeping pod. Opening the pod she climbs out as carefully as she could. Tsu'tey doen't glance at Y/n often, just muttering to himself. Y/n wasn't sure if he knew that she understands him, but she'll allow him to think she can't for now. They walked and walked until they reached the ground of the tree.

Just like when they first arrived Y/n could feel eyes on her, watching. She looks around but then keeps her eyes on the ground.

Soon the duo came to a clearing not very far from Hometree with a few Pa'li roaming around. They were eating some honey like liquid from long orange flower. As Y/n looks at the flowers Tsu'tey managed to get one of the Pa'li and walked it over to her.

"This is Atan, he's now yours if you can ride him." Tsu'tey tells Y/n as the pa'li stops next to them. Y/n gets onto the pa'li and sits up straight.

"Take this," Tsu'tey English was a bit rough and it took him a minute to say it. He grabs the pa'lis
queue and handed it to Y/n. She pulls her brain over her shoulder and slowly bonds with the pa'li.

"That is tsaheylu. The bond. Feel the bond. Feel his heart beat, his legs." Tsu'tey instructs. Y/n closed her eyes, allowing the extra beating heart to calm with her own. Tsu'tey watched as the distraught pa'li slowly calmed down. Tsu'tey watched, quiet impressed. Once Y/n opened her eyes Tsu'tey took a few steps away.

"Now, move forwards then stop." Tsu'tey says. Y/n breathed out and whispered 'walk' under her breath. The pa'li's move forward caused Y/n to jerk before yelling 'stop' in her mind. Tsu'tey laughed on the side, finding the situation hallarious. Y/n rolls her eyes before trying again.

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