First flight pt1

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Getting the ikran steady was the hardest part about flying. But after she got it to fly straight she couldn't help but smile. Riding a pa'li was cool, but flying an ikran is amazing. Y/n closes her eyes, feeling the light breeze on her skin.

When she opens her eyes she notices Jake and Neytiri not far from her. She smiles, an idea popping up in her head.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?" She questions as she tells her ikran to go fatser, so she speeds right between them. She plan works as Jake and Neytiri's ikran's move away as she flys between them.

"What the--Y/n?" Jake questions as he looks at her ikran.

"Hey." Y/n smiles as she levels out with Jake and Neytiri.

"Very pretty." Neytiri says as she looks at the ikran.
Y/n pets her ikran's head, smiling. Y/n looks at the floating moutains, passing them as her ikran's wings flap. Y/n and Jake look at eachother, and Jake smiles.

"Race ya!" Jake says as his ikran flies ahead quickly. Y/n smiles.

"Oh, it's on Jake!" Y/n shouts as she follows Jake. Soon the two of them are neck and neck, a floating mountain not far ahead. Jake goes around it first and appears in front of Y/n with a victorious smile.

"Aha! I win!"

"Oh, whatever. We never agreed on a finish line." Y/n calls after him as he flies towards Neytiri to brag.


Y/n lands her ikran in the same open spot where Tsu'tey showed his. She gets off the ikran, unbonding her braid from it. She pets her ikran's head and it pushes into her hand. Y/n smiles and admires her ikran. She doesn't notice Tsu'tey walking up to her.

"You did well, much better than Jakesully." Tsu'tye says with a soft smile. He walks closer and admires the ikran. "Your ikran is tough, like you. "

"It has beauty like you." Tsu'tey mumbles. Y/n turns her head to look at him slightly. A smile forms on her lips.

"Thank you. You are quite handsome." Y/n says as he turns to look at him. A purple blush forms on Tsu'tey's cheeks quickly as he looks away. It takes only a second for Tsu'tey to look back at Y/n.

"Come, you must make a saddle for. . . "

"Thunder. ('rrpxom)"


Y/n straps the saddle to the ikran so its tight. Tsu'tey is by his ikran, waiting for Y/n to finish so he can fly with her.

Y/n pats 'rrpxom's head as she steps up and takes her sitting position on the ikran

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Y/n pats 'rrpxom's head as she steps up and takes her sitting position on the ikran. Tsu'tey gets onto his and positions his ikran to stand next to Y/n's. The sky is slowly turning dark, colors of the near by planet makes the experience of flying ten times better.

"Level out, slowly." Tsu'tey instructs as they dove from the tree. Y/n struggles to get her ikran to level as quickly as Tsu'tey. He smiles as she finally gets level with him.

"Good. Now dive." Tsu'tey says as he dives. Y/n looks at Tsu'tey's quickly fading image and dives after him.

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