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A almost dead viperwolf whimpers loudly. Y/n looked towards it, staring at the arrow sticking out of it. The Na'vi woman also notices, heading over to it. A few feet away is Jake who is grabbing his torch from the water. Y/n looks around the forest. It was glowing, bioluminescence plants surround them. Y/n watches as the Na'vi woman kneels next to the animal. She places her knee on it's neck, holding the animal down. With her knife drawn the Na'vi woman ended the creatures suffering.

"Look. You probably don't understand this," Jake says awkwardly. "But, ah, thank you." The na'vi woman continues her prayer for the dead animal. Jake looks to Y/n for help. She shakes her head, trying to tell Jake not to say anything more to the woman.

"That was pretty impressive." Jake continues. Y/n rolls her eyes, slightly moving her back. She gasps quietly in pain as she moves to far. The Na'vi women eyes her, wondering what could be wrong.  The Na'vi woman looks away from the female dreamwalker.
'Why should I care about such a thing', she questioned herself as she stood from the dead animal.

Both Y/n and Jake watch as the Na'vi woman turns and leaves. Jake, who still is holding the spear, looks at Y/n.

"Ja-Jake!" Y/n starts but quickly rushes after him as he goes after the Na'vi woman.

"Hey, where you going?" He questions the woman as he quickly jogs to catch up with her. Y/n is behind him, already regretting everything.

"Hey, wait. Slow down. I just wanna say thanks for killing those things-" The woman turns quickly. Her bow smacks Jake across the face so hard it caused his to fall. Y/n is quick to Jake.

"Damn!" He yells, hand on his cheek.

"You don't thank. You don't thank for this. This is sad, very sad only." The woman tells the two, mostly Jake. Y/n agrees with the woman but stays quiet.

"I'm sorry. What ever I did, I'm sorry." Jake says to the woman.

"This is all your fault," She makes a gesture between both Y/n and Jake. "They did not need to die."

"My fault? They att-" Y/n smacks Jake in the back of his head, causing the older male to groan in pain.

"We are sorry." Y/n says to the woman.

"You both are like babies making noise, don't know what to do." The woman went on. Jake gives Y/n a side glance before slowly standing up.

"Fine. Fine. If you love your little forest friends, why not let them kill our asses?" Jake questions the Na'vi woman.

"Why save you?"

"Yeah, why save me? Why save us?" Jake questions. Y/n is standing just a foot away from Jake. She looks up at Jake, who is only slightly taller, and looks at the Na'vi woman.

"You have a strong heart. No fear." The Na'vi woman looks at Y/n. "You have a bold mind. Strong heart also." The woman takes a few steps closer to Y/n and Jake.

"But stupid, ignorent like children." She says to them before turning back to the path. Jake smiles, looking down at Y/n. She shakes her head, not wanting to move again. The pain in her back hasn't stopped. She was certain she reopened the wound. But she follows Jake who grabbed the spear.

"Well, if we are like children, maybe you should teach us." Jake says as both him and Y/n catch up to the woman.

"Sky People don't learn. They cannot see."

"Then teach us how to see." Jake says as he steadied himself on the branch like bridge. Y/n looks down and takes a breath.

"Hey, can't we talk? Where did you learn to speak english? Dr. Augstine's school? Whoa-" In JAke's rush to get back to the woman he nearly slips and falls. Y/n and the woman both grab him just in time. The spear falls to its death. The woman pulls him arm.

"You're like a baby." The woman says to him before she let's go of Jake's arm.

"I need your help." Jake tells her.

"You should not be here." She makes a motion with her hand.

"Take us with you." Jake basicly pleads to the woman.

"Go back." Jake advances to the woamn, Y/n staying in her spot. "Go back." The woman says after she shoved him away. Y/n felt something on her arm, a light tickle. One of Ewya's seeds dances on her arm. Looking up the trio watches as more seeds continue to fall. Jake smacks one away from him, not knowing what it was. He does it a second time after the woman grabbed his arm. The woman steps back and watches as the seeds coat both Y/n and Jake.

"W-What are they?"

"Seeds of the sacred tree. Very pure spirits." She tells him. Y/n lightly laughs, feeling one of the seeds dance on her arm. Simultanisly the seeds push off of Jake and Y/n, floating away slowly. Y/n looks at Jake, her smile making her singular dimple appear on her cheek.

"What was that all about?" He questioned the woman. She gives Jake and Y/n a side look. She knows what it was. It was a sign. A sign from the Great Mother. Looking at the two she finally speaks.

"Come." She says. When Neither Jake nor Y/n moved she grabbed Jake's wrist and Y/n's at the same time. "Come." She speaks more urgently. She let go oce they were back into the forest.

"Where are we going?" Jake questions. Y/n was admiring the nature around her. She wanted to take a picture of the blue mushroom like plant. Even more so when she saw Jake touch it, it glowed even more. Jake being Jake started to tap on all of them. Finding it as funny as a five year old.

"Come." The singular word from the woman causes the two to catch up quickly. The woman jumps from one large branch to the other gracefully. Jake and Y/n follow after.

"What's your name?-" Y/n felt something catch her feet, like a rope. She fell with Jake until they landed on the forest floor. Jake landed on his face while Y/n landed on her back.

She gasped once, and for some reason she couldn't catch her breath. The pain in her body felt like hot needles on her skin and in her muscles. Slowly she starts to catch her breath as the ground begins to shake. It sounded like a bunch of horses were about to jump out. She sits up as Jake quickly gets the thing off his feet. Na'vi warriors riding direhorses emerges from the forest. Other warriors cut Jake off as he tried to excaped the opposite way, his knife is drawn.

Y/n wiggles her feet out of the trap and stands. Immedently arrows are pointed at the two. The woman jumps down, quickly trying to calm the others. Y/n slides a hand in her shirt, a Na'vi male watching her pulls back on his arrow. Y/n touches her back slightly and pulls her hand out. It's covered in blood.

"Jake.. ." She says quietly. He looks down and sees her hand. The Na'vi woman talks to one of the males, Tsu'tey  she called by name. After speaking for a moment Tsu'tey gets back o his direhorse. Some of the natives push Jake forwards. Others push Y/n towards a male on a direhorse. She is helped up then she felt the blade of a knife go on the back of her neck.

Without a second to waste the direhorse quickly picked up speed.

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