Over time

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Over the next few days the duo felt more like Na'vi then human people. It was weird to continuously go back and fourth between two bodies. But it was all worth it.

The fourth day of being part of the Omatikaya Y/n learned how to make clothing and how to add beads to her hair. She watched as an older Na'vi woman work through each step, adding the green and orange beads to her hair. Y/n followed, using blue and purple beads. The older Na'vi woman was impressed at how well done Y/n's braids were.

Y/n finished with her hair around two hours later, when Jake had returned with Neytiri. He spotted her sitting on a mat with two bowls of beads close by. Jake sat down next to her, sighing out as he finally relaxed.

"I think I did pretty well." Y/n says as she drops her braid. It falls against her back and knocks into the other beads. Jake smiles.

"It looks great. I'll stick with one braid." He replies. Y/n smiles. Neytiri bent a knee and took a few braids into her hand.

"You learn quickly. Much faster than him." Neytiri says as he looks over at Jake.


Y/n rushes towards Grace and the others. She had just got a new camera and almost forgot it. Jake was there as well.

"There is a mobile link at site B-26 we can work out of, way up in the mountains." Grace tells them. Y/n smiles, happy that she can get some pictures of Pandora's famous floating Mountains.

"the Hallelujah Mountains?" Norm questions. Grace turns back around to face him.

"That's right." She replies.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes." Norm cheers and looks at Jak.

"The Legendary Floating Mountains, heard of them?" Norm questions, but he already knew the anser. Y/n places a hand on Jake's shoulder.

"Don't listen to him. He's just trying to get under your skin." Y/n says as she puts her camera in her dark green bag along with a note book. She was more than excited to be up in the moutains.


Y/n carries her bag inside of the place she will be calling home for a few weeks. Trudy helps carry Jake's stuff and Norm follows after them.

"Welcome to camp." Grace says as she takes a small puff on her cigarette. Trudy opens a small fridge, making some disgusted noises as she looks at the food. Y/n and Jake look at the pictures on the fridge door. Most of them were of Grace with Na'vi children.  It sadden Y/n to know what happened to the school.

Jake, Y/n hang a left. You two will be at the end, their the least glitchy." Grace explains.


Y/n follows Tsu'tey as he guides her higher and higher up Hometree. He checks behind himself, making sure that Y/n was keeping up. Soon he slows. Y/n, breathing heavily, looks out into the distance. She could see for miles.

Tsu'tey had managed to take some time to teacher her stuff. He taught her how to quickly get on her pa'li and helped her make her own saddle. And each time he got close to her Y/n couldn't help but feel something. She had to admit, Tsu'tey is an attractive Na'vi.

Tsu'tey makes a call, a almost chirping sound. Y/n looks up into the trees wondering what he was calling for. That was when she saw the movement of ikran's. Y/n gasped as an ikran lands before Tsu'tey.

The banshee has a distinctive dark blue color, with navy and yellow spots on its upperparts, and a light yellow belly and underwings. It's all complimented with yellow gold eyes. It screeched as it landed.

"Keep your head low." Tsu'tey instructs. Y/n dips her head and keeps from looking at the ikran. Tsu'tey smiles lightly. He feeds his ikran a raw piece of yerik. It grumbles in appreciation.

"Ikran is not horse. Only one hunter will fly ikran. Once tsaheylu is made, ikran won't accept another. To become taronyu you must choose your own ikran and she must choose you." Tsu'tey tells her as he got on his ikran's back. Y/n looks at Tsu'tey. He looks like a warrior.

"When?" Y/n questions. Tsu'tey smiles.

"When you are ready." He says as he takes off. Y/n goes to the edge of the wide tree branch and watches Tsu'tey and ikran fly off into the distance. It made Y/n want a ikran, to be able to fly above the trees.

All she has to do is become a taronyu.

A hunter.

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